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鲁教版八年级下册Why don’t you talk to your parents Section B 1a~1e河南省 - 濮阳

视频标签:your parents


视频课题:鲁教版八年级下册Why don’t you talk to your parents Section B 1a~1e河南省 - 濮阳

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鲁教版八年级下册Why don’t you talk to your parents Section B 1a~1e河南省 - 濮阳

 Learning objectives
1. Knowledge objectives:
Ss will be able to use and understand the new words: member, pressure, compete.
2. Ability objectives:
(1). Ss will be able to talk about problems and give advice.
(2). Ss will be able to listen for specific information and some details,
Ss’ listening abilities will be improved.
3. Emotional objectives:
(1).Ss will learn to treat the problems they meet calmly.
(2).Learn to care for others and to be happy.
Teaching important points:
1. Ss can use the words and expressions they learned freely.
2. Ss will improve their listening skills through listening practice.
 Teaching difficult points:
Ss can talk about problems and give advice.
活动1【导入】Step1 Warming up and leading in
1. Watch a video about a survey of students’ problems in the daily life.
2. Say, from the survey, we know more and more students feel stressed out, They have too much pressure from work and study, they need help. Let’s go to our new lesson. Unit 2 Why don’t you talk to your parents? In this lesson, we’ll talk about problems and give advices.
3. Show the learning objectives.
活动2【讲授】Step2 Love letter box
I have some letters from my students, they have some problems. Say “can you give them advice” There are six letters, you can choose one number and open the letter, give advice. (to revise the language what they learned in Section A and present the new words ).During the step, we can talk about children’s pressure and we have to compete with other students, explain the new words: pressure and compete,and write them down on the blackboard.
活动3【练习】Step3 Listening 
1. Show a photo of a boy .Say, this is my student, his name is Wei Ming, he also has some problems. He is talking to his friend Alice. Can you guess “What’s wrong with him? 1b listen and check his problems, then check the answers.
2.1c Listen again, What advice does Alice give to Wei Ming ? Fill in the blanks. Then check the answers.
活动4【活动】Step4 Discussion
1.Ask can you think of other ways to low Wei Ming’s pressure.   
2.Show the ways of lower stress. Play sports, hang out with friends, talk to parents or other family members, spend time alone, play computer games, read books, watch movies, listen to music and so on.
1.Ask can you think of other ways to low Wei Ming’s pressure.   
2.Show the ways of lower stress. Play sports, hang out with friends, talk to parents or other family members, spend time alone, play computer games, read books, watch movies, listen to music and so on.
活动5【练习】Step5 Pair work
Make a conversation about Wei Ming’s problems and advice
Y: You look worried, what’s wrong with you?
Wei Ming: My parents give me much pressure.
Y: Don’t worry, why don’t you talk to your parents. Or you should… Or you could…
Wei Ming: Thanks for your advice.
活动6【练习】Step6 Writing 
Here is a letter for Wei Ming from Alice, fill in some words and phrases to complete the letter. Then check the answers.
活动7【活动】Step7 Group work Hot Line
 Divide the class into four groups, each group choose a Sister understanding or brother understanding to help the group members solve problems. Act out in the front.
  A: Hello! This is Hot Line. I’m … Do you have some problems? Tell me, Maybe I can help you .
   B: …
活动8【讲授】Step8 Summary
1. Show the Learning Objectives, they are what we learned.
2. As a student, although we have some pressure, we should face it and try to work it out, you shouldn’t compete with others. Relaxing is good advice .Or you could share with your family members or your friends. (Teacher’s words)
活动9【作业】Step9 Homework
Write a letter to Wei Ming to give him some advice.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“your parents”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“鲁教版八年级下册Why don’t you talk to your parents Section B 1a~1e河南省 - 濮阳”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“鲁教版八年级下册Why don’t you talk to your parents Section B 1a~1e河南省 - 濮阳”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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