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在线播放:译林版牛津8 A Unit1 Friends Grammar Review grammar江苏省 - 苏州

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译林版牛津8 A Unit1 Friends  Grammar Review grammar江苏省 - 苏州



视频课题:译林版牛津8 A Unit1 Friends Grammar Review grammar江苏省 - 苏州

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8A  Unit1 Grammar 复习课 教案 
年级 初二 
学科 English 课题 Unit 1Review grammar 
教材 8A 课型 复习课 
授课教师 章晓一 
2019年   5 月 11   日    教学设计 
1 能熟练回忆比较级和最高级概念和词形式各种变化 
2 正确使用原级、比较级、最高级各种结构运用并完成练习 3 根据课件设计提高学生听说读写的综合运用能力。提高阅读表达能力。 
1复习课内容较多,根据学生层次分层练习 2语法点回顾特别是惯用法和课外词汇的扩充 
1 适当使用直观教具 
2 联系功夫熊猫主角阿宝设计游戏闯关,激发学生的兴趣 教学流程设计 
Step1 Lead in. 
Read and then ask questions ,teach students some useful skills. 
Step2 Review the concepts and the forms   Before fighting ,give Po some food.  
Step3 Divide the lesson into 4 tasks 
Task1:the usages of original adjectives( 2 points),then finish the exercises on the paper& check the answers with the students  
Task2: the usages of comparative adjectives( 4 points),then finish the exercises on the paper& check the answers with the students 
Task3: the usages of superlative adjectives( 4 points),then 
finish the exercises on the paper& check the answers with the students  
Task4: idiomatic usages of them( 8 points),then finish the exercises on the paper& check the answers with the students (If time is limited ,do it as homework.)  
Step4 A game & some presents  
Step5 Conclusion & Enjoy a video     The way of life. Step6 Homework 
Review the 4 tasks on the paper . 
If you have any difficulty , ask the teacher for help.
Help Po review the comparative and superlative adjectives and make him a real master in English grammar. COME ON!
OK----FINISH Task 1(攻破任务1吧!)502e3aeb2715e
OK----FINISH Task 2(攻破任务2吧!)16pic_307723_b
1. Of the two boys, I find him the _______  (强壮).
2. The elephant is 4 times ______  (大)than the tiger. 
3. My sister is two years _______ (年轻) than I.  
4. She will be much ______ because of the bad news. 
5. This dress is _______ (贵)than that one.
6.It will be bad for your health to eat____(多)food and take_____(少)exercise.
7. I don’t think the decision is ____________(好)than before.
8.BookI is ________(便宜) than BookII.
9.It is a little ______ (冷)today than it was yesterday. 
10.Which is _________(红) ,the apple or the watermelon?
OK----FINISH Task 3(攻破任务3吧!)185129_092858118989_2
1.Mr. Smith thought the park was the second big city in Shanghai._______________
2.Shanghai is larger than any other city in Sichuan.            ______________
3.She is one of slimmest models in China.                   ______________
4.The snow is more and more heavy.                        ______________
5.The houses in Fujian are better than that in Wuhan.           ______________
OK----FINISH Task 4(攻破任务4吧!)8GS4K4u32NBnic1guiOQJqgZN86
(     )1. 一How was your job interview yesterday afternoon?   
一Oh, I couldn't feel ___  . I could hardly answer most of the questions they asked.    
 A. worse          B. easier          C. better           D. happier 
(     )2. —The Internet service fees are too high, and the speed is too slow. 
—That’s why Premier Li Keqiang asks operators(运营商)to provide______ Internet.  
A. many cheaper and quicker  B. very cheaper and quicker 
C. more cheaper and quicker  D. much cheaper and quicker 
(     )3.--- How much______ she looked without her glasses!
   A. well      B. good    C. best    D.better
(     )4. — How can you be excused for such a ______ reason?      
 — I don’t care whether you accept it or not. 
A. special     B. silly     C. serious    D. shy 
(     )5.Hans is the second _______boy in his class.   
A. tall                  B. taller               C. tallest            D. the tallest 
(     )6. — The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane. 
— What?! I've never heard of ________ idea before. 
A.a crazier   B. the crazier   C. a craziest   D. the craziest 
(     )7. — Which do young people prefer, music or sports?    — Both. Music is ______ sports.   
 A. as popular as   B. not as popular as   C. more popular than  D. less popular than
 When Katie was just 9 years old, she planted a cabbage seed in a garden outside her house. She cared for it every day by watering it and giving it plant food. It grew to be very big--40 pounds.
    Katie wanted to do something special with this cabbage. With her mom’s help, she decided to give it to a local soup kitchen to help feed the hungry in their community.
     When she arrived there, she saw a long line of people waiting for food. Then, Katie served them her cabbage. As the people thanked her, she knew she could and should do more to help.Soon Katie’s Krops was born!Katie’s Krops planted gardens to grow food and then donated it to local soup kitchen.
     Katie’s dream is to end hunger around the world. So, after she created several gardens in the community, She decided to do more. She wanted to help other kids create gardens in their communities ,too!
     As of 2016,eight  years after she started, there are nearly 83 Katie’s Krops Gardens growing across the United States! All of the gardens are led by kids between the ages of 9 and 16.
1. How did Katie look after the cabbage seed?(1分)
2. What did Katie see when she got to the local soup kitchen?(2分)

  1. Would you like to join Katie's Krops? Why or why not?(3分)
附加题:How did Katie feel when the hungry people thanked her?

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