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在线播放:第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛外研版七年级下册 Module 10 Unit 2 A holiday journey6.天津

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第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛外研版七年级下册 Module 10 Unit 2 A holiday journey6.天津



视频课题:第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛外研版七年级下册 Module 10 Unit 2 A holiday journey6.天津

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外研版七年级下册 Module 10 Unit 2 A holiday journey6.  天津 秦茂娜

外研版七年级下册 Module 10 Unit 2 A holiday journey

学校   授课教师  
教学年级 七年级 教学模块 七下 Module 10 Unit 2
设计主题 A holiday journey

授课时长 45 分钟
内容分析 本模块的主题语境是“人与社会”,阅读语篇类型为电子邮件类应用文,语篇模式为叙事模式。阅读语篇所提供的是主人公 Betty 在巴黎的度假经历。语篇以时间为线索,着重展现了巴黎的秀美风光。语言上使用了细节描写,形象生动。时态运用得体,为语篇服务。该语篇可以让学生通过这座名城了解西方历史和文化,接受文化熏陶,感受世界级文化遗产带给我们的震撼;还可以培养学生的国际理解力,增强其尊重不同文化、珍惜文化遗产的意识。
学情分析 授课对象是七年级学生,学生的英语水平参差不齐。但是他们之前已经学习过和旅行相关的话题,具备一定的基础知识。在生活经验方面,根据课前调查,学生的旅行经历各不相同,其中部分学生的旅行经历较少。在学习能力方面,学生已具备了一定的与旅行话题相关的阅读能力。但是在写作技能方面,学生对于写作语篇的结构、行文的逻辑、描写手段和时态的运用方面还存在一些困难。
学习目标 通过本课内容的学习,学生能够:
教学思路 本节课的教学设计基于古德曼(1966,1967,1976)提出的“自上而下”的语言心理阅读模式和深度学习理论。在学生于前一课已掌握语篇大意和语言知识的基础上,设计了“梳—写—评”三个环节。
Stages Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purposes PPT
Review and lead-in 5 mins 1.        T leads Ss to recall the main idea of “My holiday in Paris”.
2.        T divides Ss into groups and introduces tasks.
Ss recall the main idea of the text previously learnt under the guidance of the teacher. To consolidate what has been learnt and activate the background information.
Pre-writing 15 mins 1.        T leads Ss to work on the structure in groups and directs Ss to find the elements of narrative mode in the text. Then shows the first writing tip.
2.        T leads Ss to work on the paragraphs and directs Ss to tell the order of writing as well as the signal words of the order in the text. Then shows the second writing tip.
3.        T leads Ss to work on the sentences of one paragraph in groups and directs Ss to pay attention to the detail descriptions by filling in a table. Leads Ss to use 5 senses to give more detail descriptions at that moment by assuming that they were Betty. Then shows the third writing tip.
4.        T leads Ss to work on the tenses of one paragraph in groups and ask Ss to find why the writer uses different tenses. Then shows the last
1.        Ss discuss and find the elements in the text.
2.        Ss work on the paragraphs and share answers in class.
3.        Ss work on the sentences of one paragraph in groups and fill in the table. 4. Ss work on the tenses of one paragraph in groups and share answers in class.
5. Ss share answers to have a quick review.
1. To help Ss learn about the structure and features of a narrative writing and make preparations for the writing task. 2. To enhance their thinking and learning competence.  
    writing tip.
5. T leads Ss to have a quick review.
While-writing 12 mins 1.        T instructs Ss to write an email of a holiday journey according to the pictures in Activity 5 (P63).
2.        T can also provide some useful expressions.
Ss make use of the pictures in Activity 6 to write an email of a holiday journey. To help Ss master how to write a narrative writing to introduce a holiday journey and develop their writing ability.
Post-writing 12  mins 1. T encourages one or two representatives to share their writings with the class and demonstrates how to do the assessment. 2. T guides Ss to exchange their writings in groups and do peer assessment according to the table.
3. T invites one representative to show the peer assessment.
1.        Some representatives show their writings. T and other Ss do the assessment.
2.        Ss exchange their writings in groups and do peer assessment.
3.        One representative show the peer assessment.
To help Ss have a better understanding of a good narrative writing and learn from others to improve their writing ability.
Homework 1  min 1.  Polish the work and send it to the teacher.
2.  Write an email to Lingling about your holiday. (Optional)

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