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 人教版高中英语选修八Book8 The Present perfect continuous tense现在完成进行时-河北

视频标签:Present perf,continuous t,现在完成进行时


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 人教版高中英语选修八Book8 The Present perfect continuous tense现在完成进行时-河北

 The Present perfect continuous tense 教学设计 
教材版本 人教版选修八 
设计题目 Grammar--- The Present perfect continuous tense 
Teaching Important  Points The usages of the present perfect continuous tense in different situations. 
Teaching  Difficult  Points     The differences between the present perfect tense and the present perfect continuous tense. 
Knowledge aim:  
  To master the usage of the present perfect continuous tense. Ability aim:  
  Enable the students to use the present perfect continuous tense correctly and practice what they have learned into their writing. Emotion aim: 
  The students will be able to communicate and cooperate with each other to find the solution.   
the  Analysis  of the lesson This period lays emphasis on grammar, that is, the present perfect continuous tense, which is also one of the important points in Senior English grammar.   the  Analysis  of the students      Although the students have some knowledge about the tense, they can’t clearly understand how to use it in the proper situations, nor can they tell the exact differences between the present perfect tense and the present perfect continuous tense. 
Some Students are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes. So during the lesson, I arrange a variety of activities to let all of 
them join in to attract their interest and let them be confident and taste the joy of success. 
Teaching Methods 
Task-based method, teamwork  
  Teaching     Tools 
Multi-media, blackboard  
1 period 
Teaching Procedures 
Teaching steps 
The purpose of the design Step1  Lead-in 
(1) A guessing game 
Encourage my students to guess some information about me by the numbers and pictures I give on ppt. 
    (2) Introduce myself according to the information I give: 
    I have been teaching in our school since I graduated. 
    I have been teaching English in our school for 13 years. 
    Our school has been attracting many good teachers to teach here.     (3) Ask the students to analyses these sentences and then lead in the topic of this lesson--- the present perfect continuous tense. 
The game can attract the students’ curiosity and draw their attention to the lesson. 
Let the students observe and summarize the form. Encourage them to experience the language and find the answers by themselves.  

Research for Problems 
(1) Give the students two sentences and let them to tell the usage of the tense.  
I have been working on this problem for two hours. Now I quit ! ! ! 
Gao Jiahao has been working on it for two hours but hasn’t worked it out. Summary One:  
We use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about non- stop actions that have just finished but are still connected to the present in some way. We also use it to talk about actions that started in the past and are still continuing   
(2)Show the students some pictures and sentences, ask them to fill in the blanks and pay attention to the time adverbials. 
It is 6 pm now and it is still raining. It ________ all day. 
Mr. bean started waiting for a car 20 minutes ago and he is still waiting now. 
He __________ for 20 minutes. 
He started Chinese classes in December and he is still learning Chinese now. 
By observing the pictures and some simple sentences, let the students summarize the usages of the tense by themselves. 

He ____________ since December. 
Mike began looking for a job six months ago and he is still looking now. 
He _________ for six months. 
She _______(study) in the library every night over the last three months. 
I am tired out. I ________(shop) with my wife all afternoon. 
Can’t you see how busy I am? I _______(type) the whole morning. 
I ______(sit) here enjoying the music all the morning. Summary two:  
Common time adverbials 
(3)Spot the Difference 
She has read a book. She likes it very much. (She finished reading the book.) 
She has been reading a book. (She is still reading the book.) 
The ceiling was white. Now it is green. Tom has painted the room. ( He finished painting the room.) 
Tom’s clothes are covered with paint. He has been painting the room. (He is still painting the room.) 
Mary is busy. She has been cleaning the room. (She is still cleaning the room). 
The room is tidy. Mary has cleaned the room. (She finished cleaning the room.) 
Summary three:  
The present perfect tense is used to talk about an action completed in the recent past but are connected with the present. 
The present perfect continuous tense is used to talk about an action that started in the past and is still happening or a non-stop action or a repeated action until recently.  
Step3  Group  Discussion 
To consolidate what we have learned today, I will ask students to finish one of the tasks in groups. 
Task one: Suppose you are a reporter/reporters from our school, and you are interviewing our headmaster Mr. Jiao. You’d like him to talk about the great changes that have taken place in our school. Use the present perfect continuous if possible. Task two: 
Talk about your hometown (what changes have taken place etc.) with your group members. 
   During the discussion, the students will deepen their understanding of the usage of the present perfect continuous tense. It will also train the students’ speaking ability and the ability of finding solutions by cooperation. 
Step 4  
Go over what we have learned in this lesson. 1. Present perfect continuous 2. common time adverbials 
3. the difference between the present perfect tense and the perfect continuous tense. 
Let the students have a systematic understanding of the lesson. 
Step 6  
Write down the introduction of the  students’ hometown.  Students may know when and how to use the present perfect 
continuous tense in the composition. 
Reflection after teaching 
The design of this lesson is based on the Task-based Learning Approach. The students play the leading part in every activity while the teacher is the guide and organizer. Make sure all the students will take a more active part in the tasks and become more confident. As a result, every student will raise their English level and improve their integrating abilities. 

Present Perfect Continuous学案
I.          Summary One                                                            
1. I have been working on this problem for two hours. Now I quit! ! !

We use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about _______ actions that ____________ but are still ______________________in some way.
2. My desk mate has been working on it for two hours but hasn’t worked it out.
We also use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about actions that ________ in the past and are s__________________.
II.       Summary Two
Common time adverbials.
III.     Summary Three
Li Jia has read a book. She likes it very much.
Li Jia has been reading a book. 
The ceiling was white. Now it is green. Tom has painted the room.
Tom’s clothes are covered with paint. He has been painting the room.
Mary is busy. She has been cleaning the room.
The room is tidy. Mary has cleaned the room.
A. the present perfect tense
B. the present perfect continuous tense
1.________is used to talk about an action completed in the recent past but are connected with the present.
 2. _________is used to talk about an action that started in the past and is still happening or a non-stop action or a repeated action until recently.
IV.     Group discussion
Task I: Suppose you are a reporter/ reporters from our school, and you are interviewing our headmaster Mr. Jiao. You’d like him to talk about the great changes that have taken place in our school. Use the present perfect continuous if possible.
Some phrases are given to help you.
What have you been doing these days?
visit many famous schools
attract many good teachers
attract many good students
send many excellent students to key universities.
invite experts to give lectures
Task II:
Talk about your hometown (what changes have taken place etc. ) with your group members. Use the present perfect continuous if possible.
Some phrases are given to help you.
build many tall buildings
bring in some big companies
attract visitors from home and abroad
take measures to deal with air pollution
III. Homework
Write down the introduction of your hometown.

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