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在线播放:新外研社选择性必修一Unit4 Understanding ideas What inspires you阅读课_董慧

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新外研社选择性必修一Unit4 Understanding ideas What inspires you阅读课_董慧

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新外研社选择性必修一Unit4 Understanding ideas 阅读课_董慧

Book 4 Unit 4 Understanding ideas板块教学设计  

Understanding ideas--What inspires you?教学设计
课型 Reading
主题语境 人与社会——艺术的灵感
内容分析 本板块呈现了一篇反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为个人故事,介绍了三位世界著名的艺术家Florentjin Hofman, 作曲家谭盾,和舞蹈家杨丽萍的作品及他们对艺术灵感的解读。即引导学生在了解这些名人的成功事迹后,能勇于探索生活,创造和发现生活的美,发现自己的人生价值,用执着的精神去实现人生理想。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:
1.通过略读和精读,以思维导图的形式,获取文章主要信息;并通过复述、问答、思考、讨论的形式获取细节信息,了解Florentijnn Hofman、谭盾和杨丽萍三位艺术家的著名作品、艺术灵感的来源及他们对艺术的理解;
教学重点 引导学生读懂语篇,找到三个人的作者描写的共同之处;并能讲出每个人的故事理解作者的写作意图了解三位艺术家的成长故事。
教学难点 1.引导学生掌握直接引语的用法并运用其进行表达;
教学策略 P-W-P模式;先行组织策略;概念形成策略。
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
1.Teacher invites a student who likes drawing and sometimes draw some pictures using his/her imagination or getting an inspiration from some sources to give a presentation. In the presentation, the student will talk about the picture and its inspiration.
2.Teacher asks other students to get the information--What inspires her/him?
教师板书What inspires you?
Students try to catch the student’s source of inspiration and know what the presentation is about by making notes.
1.To arouse the students’ interest in the topic.
2.To prepare students for reading.
3.To develop good habits of making notes and listening to what others said carefully.
从本书第三单元开始课前我们班级加入了课前演讲环节,学生准备过篮球运动员库里,中国女排的故事,并作了汇报,因此这一单元想继续延续这一模式,因为我发现学生更喜欢聆听同学的演讲,随着记录关键信息,获取知识,比教师传授效果来的更好。这一课我再课余询问了喜欢画画的学生,得知他们经常会因为身边的小事,人或者读过的书等去自己作画,正好与本课内容相符,吸引学生关注的同时也能从同学身上学到随处发现美得特点。 让学生带着What inspires her?这个问题听presentation.
Task 1
1.Teacher asks students to skim the passage individually and find out what inspires each artist by means of drawing a mind map.(Activity 2+mind map)
2.Teacher asks students to discuss the answer in groups and ask them closely---how do you know? Can you find some key words?
3.Teacher invites the representative of each group to present their answers by showing their mind map and teacher checks the answers with the students.
4.Teacher asks them to finish Activity 3 and give their reasons. When they meet difficulties, teacher will give some tips and help.
1.Students skim the passage and find out what inspires each artist using a mind map.
2.Students discuss the answer in groups.
3.Representative of each group presents their answers using mind map with some explanations and check the answers with the teacher.
4.Students finish Activity 3 and show the characteristics of the four sources.
1.To get the sources of inspiration by reading and drawing a mind map.
2.To have students get the main idea of the passage.
3.To know more information about biography, forum and poster.
Task 2
1.Teacher asks students to add more details to their mind map according to the question.
What other aspects are mentioned in the passage?
2.Teacher invites some students to share their answers with the class and others make supplements. If they cannot say it completely, teacher will offer help.
About Florentjin Hofman
Teacher encourages the students to retell the text according to the given key words and encourages them to have a deeper understanding of the works and creation inspiration of Florentjin Hofman.
About Tan Dun
Teacher asks students to read the questions and locate the answers accurately and have a deep thinking.
1.What does Tan Dun think of music? What do you think of his view?What about art and dance?
2.What should Chinese music do in his eyes?
About Yang Liping
Teacher raises a question and taks Yang
for example. Why do you think the
author chose to use quotes instead of
reported speech(间接引语) in the
Teacher asks the students to work in pairs to read andrewrite the quotes from the passage and answer the questions.
1.Students read the passage carefully and add more details to their mind map according to the question.
2.Some students share their answers with the class and they say the works and some words said by three artists.
  1. Representative of each group share their answers and students check the answers with the teacher.
  2. Students retell the text in their own words and have a deeper understanding of the works and creation inspiration of each artist.
  3. Students work in pairs to read and rewrite the quotes from the passage and answer the questions.
1.To train students’ ability to summarise and think individually with their mind.
2.To let students gather information about the passage.
3.To examine how much students have grasped the detailed information of the passage, and cultivate students’ analysing abilities.
Task 3
Teacher asks students to think about the question.
What do the three artists’ inspirations have in common?
Teacher lets them make a speech about “Meeting the muse”. There are three parts in the speech. Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Take one of three artists for example, including the works, the sources of inspiration and what they said.  Part 3 What should we do in our daily life?
Students think about and answer the question and prepare for their speech. To develop students’ abilities to transfer knowledge and put what we have learned in daily life into use. Also review what we have learned in class to make a speech.
本课导入以学生演讲进入,最后结束又以演讲结束,首尾呼应,让学生在读完文本,把本课所学内容加以输出,运用到生活中。演讲以Meeting the muse为题,教师给学生英英释义为find your inspiration,将本课内容与单元主题结合起来。
Hi, everyone,it’s my pleasure to give a speech. Today I want to talk to you about inspiration. Artists need inspiration when creating things, and dancers need inspiration when dancing. But where does inspiration come from? For me, inspiration is everywhere. I like to draw, and I get the inspiration from ordinary things around us. There are paintings in my Chinese textbooks, which are inspired by the ancient prose we study every day. In my spare time, I will draw pictures. The stories in the textbooks, the scenery outside the window and even the various classmates around me are all inspirations for my creation. As long as we pay attention to observing the details of life, we will find many surprises. Inspiration is fleeting. So I draw every moment that amazes me so that we can be touched forever. That’s all. Thank you!

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“What inspire”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“新外研社选择性必修一Unit4 Understanding ideas What inspires you阅读课_董慧”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“新外研社选择性必修一Unit4 Understanding ideas What inspires you阅读课_董慧”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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