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新外研版必修一An Encounter with Nature青岛

视频标签:with Nature


视频课题:新外研版必修一An Encounter with Nature青岛

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新外研版必修一An Encounter with Nature青岛市即墨区第一中学

外研版必修一 Unit5 教学设计

Teaching Material B1 U5 An Encounter with Nature
Teaching Object Students in Senior One, Jimo No.1 Middle School
  Criteria Notes
Teaching Aims
Language aims
1.To tell the author's attitude towards animals and to know the structure of the passage.
2.To grasp some useful reading skills, and know how to describe a story about animals.
Ability aims
To improve their ability of speaking and the ability to obtain information and create their own expressions.
Moral aims
To understand our relationship with nature and know how to respect animals.
Key points and difficult points To get reading skills and to understand our relationship with nature and know how to respect nature.
1. 思考、总结、归纳阅读中常用的阅读技巧,形成有效的阅读策略;2. 运用所学语言知识思考人类应该如何和动物和谐相处,并和他人交流、分享自己的见解。
Teaching Aids Blackboard, Chalk, Computer,props,costume 黑板,粉笔,电脑,海报
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 1. T introduces the topic by presenting the pictures.
2. T asks Ss to look at the pictures, and encourages Ss to think what are the relationships between human beings and animals
Ss look at the pictures, and think about the question To stimulate Ss’ interest in the topic and make preparations for the following activities.
Activity 2 T asks Ss to read the passage quickly and figure out the main idea of the passage
Ss figure out the task when they read the passage for the first time. 
1. To let Ss have a general understanding of the passage as a whole.
2. To develop Ss’ ability to think independently.
Activity 3
1. T asks Ss to read the passage carefully and find the answers to the questions.
2. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the class. Other Ss check their answers.
Ss share their answers with the class.
1. To help Ss understand the details of the passage by careful reading.
2. To raise Ss’ awareness of the structure and logic of the passage.
Think & Share 1. T divides Ss into several groups and asks Ss to think about and discuss the questions in groups. T adds more background information if necessary.
2. T asks some Ss to share their answers with the class and instructs Ss to think deeply about how to live in harmony with animals and helps Ss to form correct values.
1. Ss work in groups, thinking about and discussing the questions.
2. Some Ss share their answers with the class, and others can add what they want.
3. Ss think deeply about how to live in harmony with animals and form correct values.
1. To develop Ss’ awareness of cooperative learning.
2. To deepen Ss’ thinking about how to live in harmony with animals and what they can do to protect them.
Activity 5
T asks Ss to design a poster and introduce their ideas about the poster
1. Ss cooperate with each other and discuss how to design the poster.
2. Ss give an introduction about the poster to the class.
To inspire Ss to show their ideas about protecting the nature.

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