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人教版六年级英语下册Mike 's  happy  days浙江省 - 台州

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视频课题:人教版六年级英语下册Mike 's happy days浙江省 - 台州

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教版六年级英语下册Mike 's  happy  days浙江省 - 台州

Seasons and days                                         By Liang Yixi from Pengjie Primary School    复习主题  Seasons and days  主要内容  PEP6 Unit2 Four seasons   PEP6 Unit3 My school calendar PEP6 Unit4 When is Easter?  设计分析  本课涵盖了五年级下册的Unit2 Four seasons  Unit3 My school calendar Unit4 When is Easter?三个单元的话题,结合季节、月份、日期、节日四个方面的内容,以基础的单词句型复习为主,在教学设计中激发学生的学习兴趣。本课设计以学生对四季和节日的喜好为主线,从What’s your favourite season谈论能做的事情和景物,从What’s your favourite holiday谈论在每个节日中想做的事情以及相应的时间,并在文本中适当渗透在这个话题中体现的中外文化差异。本课设计在听说读写中唤起学生对已学知识的记忆,融合话题的内容,查漏补缺,从而让全体同学都尽可能地达到复习的目的。 核心词句  五年级下册Unit2 Four seasons   四会单词、词组:season, spring,  summer , autumn, winter   go on a picnic,pick apples, make a snowman, go swimming. 三会单词词组:Which,best, snow, because, fall.  句型:—Which season do you like best? — I like____best.   —Why? —Because…   —What’s your favourite season? —My favourite season is _____.     五年级下册Unit3 My school calendar  四会单词、词组:January(Jan.)    February(Feb.)    March( Mar. )   April (Apr.)  May  June(Jun.)  July(Jul.)  August (Aug.) September (Sept. )  October(Oct. ) November ( Nov. )   December (Dec. ) 三会单词、词组:  Easter, plant, National Day, American Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, holiday.  句型:      Autumn is my favourite season.  —When is _____?  —It’s in/on ______.  —What will you do? —I will________..      五年级下册Unit4 When is Easter?  四会单词、词组:first(1st ) second(2nd )  third(3rd )  fourth(4th )  fifth(5th )  sixth(6th )  twelfth(12th)twentieth(20th)thirtieth(30th) twenty-third(23rd) twenty-first(21st)
三会单词、词组:  Fool, special.  句型:—When is your birthday?  —My birthday is on _____. —What will you do on your birthday?  —I’ll have a birthday party.   教学目标  语言知识目标:  1.通过本次复习,让学生巩固季节单词:season, spring,  summer , autumn, winter,月份单词:January,February, March,    April 等,一年中所包含的节日如National Day, American Thanksgiving Day, Christmas等,各个季节和节日相适应的活动单词如:go on a picnic,pick apples, make a snowman, go swimming等  2.学生能正确并灵活地使用核心句型,并能在一定的情境下进行问答。 —Which season do you like best? — I like____best.  —Why? —Because…  —What’s your favourite season? —My favourite season is _____. —When is _____?  —It’s in/on ______.  —What will you do? —I will________.  3.学生能根据自己的喜好,灵活运用词组,并创编出新的对话。 4.让学生能模仿小短文,在提供的知识框架下描述:My favourite season 和My favourite holiday. 语言技能目标:  通过复习,学生能够运用所学句型,谈论自己喜欢的季节和节日。 训练学生从话题回顾中捕捉主要信息,形成自己的知识框架。 情感态度目标:  让六年级同学感受到学习英语的乐趣,培养他们说英语的信心,让他们在音乐图片以及表述中感受四季的美,渗透节日的丰富多彩,感受生活的美好。   复习难点 1. 节日的认读和日期的正确表达,介词on和in在时间前的用法。 2. 熟练运用句型介绍自己喜欢的季节和节日。 教学准备  PPT  Word cards  Review procedures  Steps  Teacher’s activities  Students’ activities  Purposes
Step I Warm up  1.Sing songs: What’s your favourite season? /12 months…   2. Greeting: Good morning!  Nice to meet you!/How are you?    3. Free talk  1)What day is it today?  What’s the weather like today? Which season is it now?  2)Enjoy some pictures in seasons.  Ss sing the song.    Ss: Good morning!/ I’m fine, thank you.      Ss say the colours in the picture. Ss say other seasons.   歌曲以及自由对话导入本节课的主要话题,同时唤醒学生 的记忆。   Step II.   1. Talk about four seasons. 1)Riddles: Which season is it? 2)T: Look at these four seasons, which season do you like best? Why? Pair work:  A:Which season do you like best?  B: I like____best.   A: Why?   B: Because…    3)PPT shows some pictures of spring.  T says: Look at these pictures, what do you think of spring?  Spring is… I can see… I can…  PPT shows a poem of spring.  Make a poem: My favourite season. ________is_________.  ________is_________.              I can see___________.  I can _________ .  It is so nice.  _________,_________,                I love you!    2. Month and holidays.  1)Guess: What’s Miss Liang’s favourite season?   Listen and say.  Fill in the blanks.  2) Ask and answer  Ss guess and spell. Ss: I like _____ best.   Because_____.     Ss practice in pairs.            Ss try to describe  spring.  Ss read it.      Ss discuss and then  show the poems.         Ss answer: Winter.  Ss try to fill in the blanks,complete the  dialogue.      从每个季节相应的天气以及活动猜一猜这是哪一个季节,复习了活动与季节的同时也调动了学生的积极性。   同桌操练重点句型,巩固核心句型。     用创编简单诗歌的方式让学生学会从各个角度更深入地去描绘季节,由易到难。      让学生带着疑问去听对话,并补充对话,复习句型的同时引出节日所在的
T: When is Spring Festival? When is New Year’s Day?   3.Review 12 months  1)PPT shows pictures, T helps Ss to find January and February are in winter. PPT shows the picture of Christmas, T asks: What about Christmas?  T asks: Winter is from December to February. What about spring, summer and autumn? 2)PPT shows a mind map T: Four seasons makes a year.    How many months are there in a year?   4.Review the holidays.  T: There are many holidays in a year.  1)Brain storm: Do you know other holidays?  PPT shows a mind map help Ss to recall the words.  PPT shows some pictures: Mother’s Day. Father’s Day….  T talks with Ss: When is _______?   2)Play a game: Read and match. When is _____. It’s on_______. 3)Talk about: My favourite holiday. Pair work:  A: What’s your favourite holiday? B: My favourite holiday is _____. A: When is it?  B: It’s in/on _______. A: What will you do? B: I will ___________.  A: That sounds ______.   5. Read a text: Seasons in Australia. PPT shows a girl  T: I have a friend, her name is Mary, she is from Australia.  Ss: It’s in January or February. It’s on Jan.1st. .   Ss: It’s in Decembr.       Ss try to say the months in four seasons.  Ss: Twelve months.       Ss try to say other holidays.     Ss : It’s in _______.      Ss ask and answer.     Ss work in pairs. Then perform.          Ss try to guess.  月份以及日期。    用春节和新年所在的月份引出冬天的三个月份,用思维导图的方式引发学生的思考,补全每个季节的月份。    与学生谈论生日的月份,日期以及想要进行的活动,层层深入,并在使用中让学生分清in和on的不同用法。   帮助学生发散思维,回忆起已学的节日以及相应的日期。   单词和图片配对,在游戏的过程中,复习日期的读法和节日的认读,使复习过程富有趣味性。      
1)Guess: What will she do on Christmas Day? PPT shows some photos:Christmas in Australia. 2)T: Do you want to know why? Now let’s read a text: Seasons in Australia. And finish the exercise. Check the answer. 3)Read the text in groups.    Ss enjoy the photos.     Ss read silently and finish the exercise. Ss underline the key sentences. 让学生带着信息沟去阅读短文,使阅读更富有趣味性。    带着问题去阅读, 并且在 阅读过程中,划出重点句子,逐步培养理解能力。  Step III   Let’s write: My favourite season and my favourite holiday My favourite season is ________.  It’s from_____ to ______.  The weather is _____.  I can _______. I can ______...  What a ______ season?  _____ is in ______.  It’s my favourite holiday.  I will____. I will ____... It’s so _____!   Ss write “My favourite season  and My favourite  holiday.”  .   随着复习的深入,通过各种形式,滚动核心句型,然后根据自己的喜好形成小语篇,提升学生写的能力。  Step IV Homework  1.Read the word bank for 4 times. 2.Talk about your favourite season  and favourite holiday with your friends.  Ss know their homework. 作业是课外的延伸,让学生通过作业进一步巩固。  Blackboard  design    Seasons and days  Revision  spring:     Mar.  Apr.  May summer:   June   July   Aug. autumn/fall: Sept.  Oct.   Nov. winter:     Dec.  Jan.   Feb.   —What’s your favourite season?  /Which season do you like best? —My favourite seasons is _______.  /I like _____best. —When is ______? —It’s on/in ______.

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