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译林版5B Unit 5 Helping our parents Story time江苏省 - 苏州

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视频课题:译林版5B Unit 5 Helping our parents Story time江苏省 - 苏州

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译林版5B Unit 5 Helping our parents Story time江苏省 - 苏州

1. 能听懂、会说、会读:clean, busy, make the bed, sweep the floor, wash the dishes。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:What are you/they doing? What is he/she doing? 及其回答I am…/We/They are…/He/she is …
3. 能用现在进行时描述图片内容,并能适当使用长、短句和疑问句丰富文本结构。
4. 能理解课文内容,通过文本和图片获取信息,能根据关键词和图片复述课文。
5. 学生提高意识:承担力所能及的家务劳动,做个有责任心的人。
        本课围绕孩子帮父母做家务的话题,呈现了现在进行时特殊疑问句和肯定句的用法。教学重点是关于做家务劳动的动词短语和现在进行时的肯定句型。学生已学过like doing的结构,因此现在分词在朗读上的问题不大,教师可在热身环节先让学生运用like doing结构进行交流,复习动名词。此外,本课的目标词汇是有关家务劳动的动词短语,教师可先与学生讨论家务劳动,适当拓展词汇,通过情景创设从一般现在时引入现在进行时的教学。
1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:What are you/they doing? What is he/she doing? 及其回答I am…/We/They are…/He/she is …
2. 能用现在进行时描述图片内容,并能适当使用长、短句和疑问句丰富文本结构。
3. 能理解课文内容,通过文本和图片获取信息,能根据关键词和图片复述课文。
活动1【导入】Step1 Lead in
1. Know about me
T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher today. Do you want to know something about me?
T: My name is Claudia. What’s your name?
S: I’m …
T: Nice to meet you. / Your name is very nice. /It’s a lovely name. / I think you like … very much, right? Great, a nice name!
T: I like reading very much. Because I can learn a lot from the books. What’s your hobby? / What do you like doing?
S: I like …
Weekend activities
T: What about my weekend activities? You see, I like reading. So I usually read books at weekends. What about you?
S: …
T: Wow, I think you all have wonderful weekends. But I’m a mother, I have to do a lot of housework at weekends.
2. Know about my house
T: What housework do I do at weekends? First, let’s know something about my house. Look, this is the plane graph of my house. What are these?/What about this one?
S: They’re two bedrooms. / It’s a kitchen. /It’s a study. /It’s a dining room./ It’s a living room. /they’re two bathrooms.
3. Learn the new phrases
T: Now, you know my house. What housework do I do at weekends? I give you some key words, can you guess?
I _______ in the kitchen.   (key words: cook, wash)
S: You cook/wash … in the kitchen, I think.
T: Actually, I usually cook breakfast in the morning. My husband cooks lunch and dinner, and I usually wash the dishes after lunch and dinner.
Teach: wash the dishes
I _______in the bathroom. (key words: clean, wash)
S: You clean/wash … in the bathroom, I think.
Show the answers: clean the toilet, wash clothes
I _______ in the bedroom. (key word: make)
T: Make, what can I make? Make a cake? Make a toy?
S: You make the bed in the bedroom.
T: Great. I make the bed. It doesn’t mean I can make a real bed. It means I put the quilt, the pillow in order. Then the bed is tidy. So, what does it mean in Chinese? Ss: 整理床铺。
I ______ in the living room. (key word: floor)
Ss: You … the floor in the living room, I think.
T: I usually sweep the floor and mop the floor in the living room. (teach: sweep the floor, mop the floor)
T: You see, I cook breakfast, wash the dishes, clean the toilet, wash clothes, make the bed, sweep the floor and mop the floor. So, I’m really busy at the weekends.
Teach: busy
活动2【讲授】Step2 Presentation and practice
1. lead to the title
T: Do your parents do housework?
S: Yes, they do.
T: Do you help your parents do housework?
S: …
T:What housework do you do?
S: …
T: Great. You help your parents do housework. You are very helpful. Today, we’ll learn Unit5 Helping our parents.
Let’s read the title together.
2. Know about Amy (Learn the present continuous tense)
T:There’s a girl. Her name is Amy. She is very helpful too. Let’s know something about her. OK?
Ss: OK.
(1) T: It is Saturday morning. Amy gets up early. Now, it’s seven o’clock. What is Amy doing? Let’s ask her together. “Amy, Amy, what are you doing?”
Ss: Amy, Amy, what are you doing?
PPt: I’m making the bed.  
(2) It’s eight o’clock. What is she doing now?
S: She’s cleaning the table.
(3) T: It’s eleven o’clock. What is Dad doing?
S1: He is cleaning the car.
T: What about Mum? Who can ask?
S2: What is mum doing?
S3: She’s cooking lunch.
S4: What is Amy doing?
S5: She is washing the dishes.
T: It’s two in the afternoon. It’s free time. What are they doing?
S: They are playing a game.
3. Conclusion
Ss read the sentences of the story.
T: From the story, we know: The action that is on-going at the time of utterance, we call it present continuous tense.  The structure is:  the subject + “be” verb (is, am, are) + “ing” forms of verbs.
Ss read the “ing” forms of the verbs: make-making; clean-cleaning; cook-cooking; wash-washing; play-playing
4. Practice (pair work)
T: they’re playing a guessing game. Let’s join them.
Give three key words, get Ss to ask and answer in pairs.
Key words: he, wash, kitchen
A: What is he doing?
B: He’s washing the dishes in the kitchen.
Key words: Lily, sweep, living room
Key words: the boy, clean, dining room
Key words: they, help, home
活动3【讲授】Step3 While reading
1. Watch and answer
Watch the cartoon and answer the questions: What day is it? Who is helpful?
2. Look, read and fill
T: What are Mike’s family doing in the morning? Please open your books and read the first part of the story, and try to fill in the form.

who what where
Dad cleaning the car outside
T: You can circle the people and underline the things and places. If you can’t find the answer in the passage, you can find the answer in the pictures.
Give a model: Dad is cleaning the car outside.
Ss circle and underline the answers.
Check the answers with complete sentences.
3. Look and say
T: Now, we know what they are doing in the morning. And we also get more information from the pictures. Let’s look at the pictures and try to describe them. Pay attention to the people, the things and the places, and if you can describe the details about the pictures, it will be better.
T: For example, Mum is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. It’s ok. Maybe she is cooking eggs for her children. It’s better. And you can also describe the room: There ‘s a scullery and a gas cooker on the cupboard. There is a table in the kitchen, too.
What about the other pictures? Let’s talk about them.
Get several students to describe the other pictures.
4. Read and imitate
T: Great, you can get the details from the pictures. How does Mike say? Let’s read and imitate.
Ss read after the computer.
5. Analysis the structure
T: “It is Saturday morning.” Mike tells the story with the beginning of “time”.
  “My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.” This is a long sentence. It tells us “who, what, and where”.
“Helen is in the living room. She is sweeping the floor.” This time, Mike uses two short sentences to describe “who, where, and what”.
So, if we use short sentences and long sentences properly, we can make the structure richer and we can express our ideas flexibly.
“Where is Tim? What is Tim doing?” These are questions. Questions can catch our eyes and let us compare the front and the back. They are so busy doing housework, but Tim and Ben are sleeping.
6. Look and say
T: (show picture1) Now, it’s in the afternoon. Where are Mum, Mike and Helen?
S: They are in the kitchen.
T: (show picture2) Who’s the boy?
S: He’s Mike’s cousin Jim.
T: Where are they?
S: They’re in the living room.
T: What are they doing? Let’s describe the pictures. Pay attention to the time, the people, the places and the things. To describe the pictures more vividly, you can use the short sentences, the long sentences and questions, OK? You can prepare first.
Get several students to describe the pictures.
7. Read and imitate
T: How does Mike say? Let’s read and compare.
Ss read sentence by sentence.
T: Mike also tells with the beginning of time. He uses questions, the short sentence and the long sentence. What’s more? Mike also describe Mum’s state.(My mother is busy.) So, how about Tim and Jim? Can you give some words to describe them?
S: …
PPT: They’re free and happy.
8. Reading time
Read the whole story together.
活动4【活动】Step4 After reading
1. Retell
Retell the story according to the key words and pictures.
2. Think and say
T: Now, it’s in the evening. What are they doing after dinner? Suppose you’re Mike, please complete the saying with your imagination. Perhaps these words can help you. I give you some time to prepare.
Get two Ss to communicate.
活动5【活动】Step5 Emotional Education 
T: I think Mike’s family must be doing some housework together or having some fun together. Because this is a family with love and joy. Everyone will do something capable for the home. And I believe that when Tim grows up, he will do something capable for the home, too.
T: I know some children in our class also do something capable for their family.
P1: Look, the girl is making the bed.
P2: The boy is cleaning the table.
P3: This boy is sweeping the floor.
P4: The boy is washing the dishes.
P5: At school, some students are sweeping the floor.
P6: Some students are cleaning the classroom.
P7: In society, some students are cleaning the public bikes.
P8: Some students are helping old people doing some cleaning.
T: So, boys and girls, at home, we should help our parents do housework and something capable. At school, we should keep our school clean. In society, we should be a responsible man. Can you?
Ss: Yes.
T: Let’s say together: Be a responsible man.
Ss: Be a responsible man.
活动6【作业】Step6 Homework
1. Read and imitate the Story Time, try to retell it with your own words.
2. Help your parents do housework and talk about it with your friends.

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