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在线播放:高一英语必修一《Unit2 Growing pains》安徽省郑潜


高一英语必修一《Unit2 Growing pains》安徽省郑潜

视频标签:高一英语必修一,Growing pain


视频课题:高一英语必修一《Unit2 Growing pains》安徽省郑潜

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:高一英语必修一《Unit2 Growing pains》安徽省郑潜

Period 3        Word   power
The general idea of this period
In this period, we are going to enable the students to know about formal and informal English by showing some letters. Jerry Broker’s letter tells us how to use formal and informal English. We also tell students some countries and languages by showing some national flags. 
Teaching Aims:
1. To get the students know what formal and informal English are.
2. Enlarge the students’ knowledge about countries and flags.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Revision and Lead-in
Last time we read a passage about English and its history. Most English we know can be used in many situations, but you will also hear or see language that is formal or informal. (幻灯片2,3).
Step3 Showing an informal letter
(幻灯片4,5) Would you please use the letter as an example to discuss what expressions belong to informal English? 蓝色字体为informal English
(幻灯片6,7)Showing two dialogues and let the students judge which is the better expression? 
(幻灯片8) Another expression shown to students. Get the students to find out the informal English. 红色字体为informal English
Step3 Matching
(幻灯片11,12,13) Answers to a letter on p26.
Step4 Talking
Showing a map of the world (幻灯片15).
A competition between two groups Q: How much do you know about countries and their languages? (幻灯片16-27)
T: There are 191 countries which are members of the UN. Do you know what countries are the permanent members of the UN Security Council ?
Step5 Fill in the diagram
Step6 Discussing and writing 
A  Which country does each flag represent? Discuss with the partner and write down the name of each country and its official language(s). 
Step7 Listening
Text book P98 (幻灯片34)
Step 8 Assignment

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