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教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Accurate Reading湖北省黄冈中学李红英

Accurate Reading (Read Accurately )
Teaching Objectives 教学目标
    Guide students to understand what the author really conveys while reading.
    Help students to get something extra in cultural awareness, health, and so on.
Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点
    Guide students to master some strategies and methods to read accurately.
    To get more knowledge by reading.
Teaching methods 教学方法
    Individual work and pair work, discussion, presentation, competition
个体思考和分组协作相结合,讨论, 展示,竞争
Teaching Procedures 教学步骤
Passage A:
Step I Leading-in
T:Could you please hold up your hands? I want to see how many of you are wearing a watch. I also have a watch, a sportswatch specifically designed for PE class. It is called the ZONE. Passage A talks about its functions, principles and benefits. Let me see how well you understand the passage.
Step II Discussing& Summarizing(讨论,总结)
    T: Discuss with your partners, try to find evidence to support your choice, and then summarize some strategies and methods to read accurately.
2. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?
A. The Spirit System.                             B. The ZONE.
C. Physical education.                                   D. Interactive Health Technologies.
3. What can the IHT Spirit System do?
      A. Monitor the heart rate.                             B. Create personal fitness levels.
      C. Track students’ performance.                     D. Protect students from injuries.
How to read accurately: (精准阅读)
Words; grammar; sentence analysis(注意单词,分析句子和语法)
TBy introducing a sportswatch, what does the author expect you to do?
We are expected to live a healthy life.
We are supposed to work out on a regular basis. 
Without a sound body, one can’t achieve anything.(鼓励学生健康生活,锻炼身体)
Passage B
Step I Leading-in 
T: In unit 4, we learned that Fortune, a plant collector, shipped 20,000 tea plants from Shanghai to India, where a successful tea industry was established. Actually, not only India, but also many other countries like England has been influenced by Chinese tea culture.
    通过刚刚学过的Book 9 Unit 4里面所讲的关于茶的内容,导出本篇文章的主题。
Step II Discussing& Summarizing(讨论,总结)
6. What can be concluded from the book Watching the English?
A. Britons never judge others’ class by their tea.
B. Britons drink tea to show off their special tastes.
C. A Briton’s way of drinking tea shows his or her individuality.
D. How a Briton drinks his or her tea reflects his or her social position.
How to read accurately:(精准阅读)
the topic and the structure of the passage; conjunctions; (注意文章的主题和篇章结构)
Cultural awareness:(文化意识)
Chinese tea culture has been influential around the world.(中国茶文化对外国的影响)
Tea cakes; tea houses; tea breaks…(茶点,茶舍,茶歇)
Passage C
Step I Leading-in
    T: When we learn Chinese, whose works are a must in our textbooks?
    S: Luxun
    T: Actually, Luxun is to Chinese what Shakespeare is to English. Now we are learning English, so we may as well know Shakespeare. However, a master’s works are usually not very easy to understand. But don’t worry, here are some tips for reading Shakespeare.
Step II  Discussing& Summarizing(讨论,总结)
T: It seems that No.11 is the most difficult for you. I want you to fill in the blank with the three different choices B, D, G, and figure out which one is the most suitable. Tell me your reasons.
l         Read it again and again.
As you progress in school and into college, you must realize that every subject gets more challenging.   11   You’re not going to be successful in your studies if you think you can get through anything quickly — and that is absolutely true for Shakespeare.
B. Literature is no different.
D. Don’t feel too bad if you have a hard time reading Shakespeare.
G. When you study his works, you find that human beings haven’t really changed much over time.
How to read accurately:(精准阅读)
logic (行文逻辑)
A summary of the three passages.( how to read accurately)
    T: While reading, we should pay attention to some key words, analyze the sentences correctly and seize the topic and structure of the passage, then develop a sense of logical thinking. If we add these ingredients, we can surely make a cup of sweet, fragrant cup of coffee called Accurate Reading.
    如果我们把阅读看做是泡咖啡的话,加上一些调料,比如,注意单词,分析语法, 句式结构,关注文章的主题和篇章结构,以及行文逻辑的话,我们肯定能泡出“精准阅读”这样的一杯浓郁飘香的好咖啡。
     T: Let’s do some exercise to see whether you can make such a cup of coffee.
This week sportswear maker adidas put a new wearable device into the market, which was co-developed with Interactive Health Technologies (IHT). Called the adidas ZONE for IHT Spirit, it is the first wrist-based wearable device developed specifically for physical education class use.
       At present, IHT supports 1,500 teachers in 800 schools across the country and during the 2015 school year, 600,000 children were connected to the IHT Spirit System. With the help of the new wearable, IHT is on track to hit their 2016 target of interacting with one million students nationwide on a daily basis. 
       The ZONE is a wrist-worn, heart rate monitoring device that integrates into the existing IHT Spirit System—a cloud-based curriculum for physical education (PE). The system allows teachers to efficiently make a record of how each student performs in PE class, creating individualized workouts and goals for students based on their personal fitness levels. It is built to meet the needs of the teachers across the country, durable enough for many students to wear during PE classes. 
       Stacey Burr, general manager of adidas Digital Sports, said, “in working with IHT, we found a partner that shared our vision of inspiring the next generation to lead healthy lives by making sport and fitness a life-long pursuit. We are firm believers that healthy habits are easier to keep the earlier you start, so introducing tools and resources at the school-level offered the perfect place to lay such an important foundation.”
       The device retails at $139, and is also available for schools to buy for students in PE through package pricing.
1. According to the passage, the ZONE ________.
A. is intended for PE class use                            B. was developed by adidas alone
   C. is suitable for all sports lovers                  D. will get popular around the world
2. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?
A. The Spirit System.                                  B. The ZONE.
C. Physical education.                                 D. Interactive Health Technologies.
3. What can the IHT Spirit System do?
   A. Monitor the heart rate.                            B. Create personal fitness levels.
   C. Track students’ performance.                   D. Protect students from injuries.
4. In the fourth paragraph, Stacey Burr is trying to talk about ________.
   A. how the device works                              B. why the device was developed
   C. how important human health is               D. how the two companies came together
One of the nicest things to do during the cold winter is to curl up (蜷缩) with a hot cup of tea. But for Britons, tea is a popular drink all year round. Afternoon tea, builder’s tea (a strong cup of tea, usually with full-fat milk and two teaspoons of sugar), tea gowns, tea cakes, tea houses, tea breaks… they are all everyday names and phrases in the UK.
Tea has, in fact, become part of the British way of life. And Britons’ preferences for types of tea and how to drink it can really say a lot about them.
British anthropologist (人类学家) Kate Fox writes in her book Watching the English that several clear messages are sent whenever a Briton makes a cup of tea. She observes that the strongest cups of black tea are usually drunk by the working class. The tea gets weaker as one goes up the social ladder.
Sugar means something, too. “Taking sugar in your tea is thought by many to be a sign of a lower-class person: even one sugar makes people suspicious; more than one and you are lower-middle at best; more than two and you are definitely working class,” she writes.
Other rules involve how milk and sugar are added, if any is added. For example, drinking smoky black Lapsang Souchong tea from China with no sugar or milk can be a sign of class worries in the middle class.
Tea doesn’t just show class, though; it can also be a social space filler. “Whenever the English feel awkward or uncomfortable in a social situation (that is, almost all the time), they make tea,” Fox wrote in her book.
5. According to Kate Fox, ________.
A. adding sugar to your tea can make you feel suspicious
B. upper-class Britons don’t put any sugar in their tea
C. working-class people usually like to drink weak tea
D. adding milk to your tea can be a sign of class worries
6. What can be concluded from the book Watching the English?
A. Britons never judge others’ class by their tea.
B. Britons drink tea to show off their special tastes.
C. A Briton’s way of drinking tea shows his or her individuality.
D. How a Briton drinks his or her tea reflects his or her social position.
7. The underlined sentence means that drinking tea is ________.
A. a way of making friends
   B. a tool to judge Britons by
   C. a way to feel better in social situations
D. a way of enriching aspects of Britons’ lives
8. What’s the main idea of the article?
A. British tea has many interesting functions.
B. There are rules to obey when drinking British tea.
C. The ways in which Britons drink their tea tell us a lot.
D. Tea plays an important part on social occasions in Britain.
Tips for Reading Shakespeare
For a beginner, Shakespeare can sometimes seem like a bunch of strange words put together in no reasonable order. However, once you learn to read and understand Shakespeare, you’ll understand the beauty of the language.   9 
l         Attend a reading or a play.
    10   You won’t believe how many expressions and movements of the actors can use to bring to life Shakespeare’s beautiful but complex works. Watch the actors in action and gain a deeper understanding of your text.
l         Read it again and again.
As you progress in school and into college, you must realize that every subject gets more challenging.   11   You’re not going to be successful in your studies if you think you can get through anything quickly — and that is absolutely true for Shakespeare.
l           12 
Shakespeare is different from any other piece of literature, because it requires some engagement and active participation. Just try it — you will see that you can suddenly understand the context of the words and expressions. It’s a good idea to work with another person. Why not call your study partner and read to each other?
l         Read a plot summary.
Let’s face it — Shakespeare is tough to read and understand, no matter how many times you go through the book. After you have read the work, go ahead and read a summary of the piece you’re working on if you’re completely confused. Just read a summary and then read the actual work again.   13 
A.   Act it out.
B.   Literature is no different.
C.   You won’t believe how much you’ve missed before!
D.   Don’t feel too bad if you have a hard time reading Shakespeare.
E.   You’ll also find out why it has inspired students and scholars for centuries.
F.    Shakespeare really makes more sense when you see the words come to life on stage.
G.   When you study his works, you find that human beings haven’t really changed much over time.
1. People love cellphones, which is why nine in ten Americans own one. But does heavy use of cellphones pose a risk of cancer? This question has caused controversy for many years. A new study in rats now augments those concerns. Its data linked long-term, intense exposure to radiation from cellphones with an increased risk of cancer in the heart of brain. The results have yet to be confirmed, the authors note.
   Which of the following can replace the underlined word “augments”?
   A. figures out          B. puts out             C. refers to           D. adds to
2. I know perfectly well that you will have hard times in civil life. Probably most young fellows when they have graduated from college, feel pretty depressed for the first few years. In ordinary cases, it at first seems as if their efforts were not leading anywhere, as if the pressure around the foot of the ladder was too great to permit getting up to the top.
   What did the President say about most young people starting their life after graduation?
   A. They would make no efforts.            B. They would have a hard life.
   C. They would look for a ladder.       D. They would have no confidence.
3. Bad teeth can be painful—and worse. They can even be deadly. Infections of the gums (牙龈) and the teeth can cause bacteria to go into the blood system. Those bacteria can increase the chance of a heart attack and worsen the effects of other diseases. And adults are not the only ones at risk…
   The use of fluoride (氟化物) to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world. For example, it is often added to drinking water supplies. The fluoride mixes with enamel (法琅质), the hard surface on teeth, to help prevent holes from forming. 
Which of the following can be used as the title of the passage?
A. Concerns for Healthy Teeth of the Young              B. Importance of Healthy Teeth of All
C. Causes of Teeth Problem                               D. Solutions to Teeth Problem
4. Everyone makes mistakes._________. Making a mistake at work, however, can be more serious. It may cause problems for your employer and even affect the company’s bottom line.
  A. Apologize for your mistake but don’t beat yourself up.
  B. Usually you can correct your error or just forget about it and move on.
5. First, be careful with your secrets. Second, use the buddy system. It helps to have a best friend who you can trust to be on your side and watch your back when you need. Do the same for him or her to make sure your friend stays loyal. Lastly, do onto others as you would have them do onto you. __________When you keep your gossip to yourself, it is not easy for you to be a prime target for somebody seeking to get even (报复).
  A. Don’t spread rumors about other people, but explodes with anger when they are about you.
  B. Keep calm when you are gossiped about.
  C. If you have been the victim of gossip and rumors, you might want to go “an eye for an eye”.

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