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在线播放:第十一届全国高中英语课堂教学观摩优质课视频(附课件)典范英语9 Waiting for Goldie.

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第十一届全国高中英语课堂教学观摩优质课视频(附课件)典范英语9 Waiting for Goldie.

视频标签:for Goldie,全国高中英语


视频课题:第十一届全国高中英语课堂教学观摩优质课视频(附课件)典范英语9 Waiting for Goldie.

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第十一届全国高中英语课堂教学观摩优质课视频(附课件)16 山东  吕新华 高二 典范英语9 Waiting for Goldie.

                       Waiting for Goldie
1  I’ve got an important job to do. I’m really nervous about it. It’s a big responsibility.  I’m in Grandad’s garden, sitting outside his pigeon loft. I’m waiting for Goldie to come home.
2  Goldie’s proper name is Goldeneye. She’s Grandad’s champion racing pigeon. She’s famous. She’s won loads of cups. This morning she was released two hundred miles away with lots of other pigeons. And now she’s racing back home.
3  “Come on. Goldie. Come on. Goldie. Come on. Goldie!” That’s me, calling Goldeneye back home. But I can’t see her yet. She should be flying in any minute.
4  I really want Goldie to win this race. I want to give Grandad some good news when I see him tonight in hospital. He’s had a heart attack and will have to take it easy from now on.
5  “Flying outside. Go on, get going!” I’m letting the other pigeons out to welcome the pigeon home. They swoop round and round the loft. Then they settle on the roof. My eyes search the blue sky. Still no sign of Goldie.
6  “That’s her!” But it isn’t. It’s just a wild pigeon. Not Grandad’s champion racer.
“Calm down, Danny!” I tell myself. That’s what Grandad would have said: “Calm down, Danny. Calm down, son!”
7  But it’s hard to be calm. I’m getting more nervous every minute. Because Goldie should be here by now.
8  “Come on, Goldie. Come on, Goldie.” But the sky is blue and empty. Maybe she isn’t coming back. “No!” I tell myself. “Goldie always comes back.”
9  “What’s happened to Goldie?” I ask the other pigeons on the roof of the loft. But they are no hope.
10  Suddenly I’ve got a sick feeling in my stomach. I’ve remembered what Grandad said last night. About falcons in a quarry. It makes me shudder.
11  I hate those falcons. They probably killed Goldie. I can feel myself getting really angry. My fists are all bunched up, in tight white knots. My chest is burning. I can’t bear to think about it.
12  Thump, thump, thump. What’s that? It’s my heart pounding. That’s how nervous I am. “Calm down, son.” I tell myself. But where is she? She’s never been this late before. What am I going to tell Grandad?
13  Wait, there’s a flutter in the sky! I look up. “Is that you, Goldie?” But it’s only a crow.
14  I’m giving up hope. But I wait until it’s nearly dark. Then I lock the other pigeons in the loft and padlock the door.
15  I’ve got to see Grandad tonight at the hospital. What am I going to tell him?
16  Night falls. Now we’re walking into Grandad’s ward. Grandad’s joined to the machine by wires stuck to his chest. Say hello to your Grandad, Danny.” says Mum, pushing me towards the bed. But the words won’t come out of my mouth.
Word list
1.pigeon [ˈpɪdʒɪn] 鸽子 2. swoop [swu:p]俯冲    3.shudder [ˈʃʌdə(r)] 战栗; 发抖 [lɒft] 阁楼      5.flutter [ˈflʌtə(r)] 振翼   6.falcon[ˈfælkən]隼
7.bunch up 攥紧      8.pound [paʊnd] 狂跳    9. quarry [ˈkwɒri] 采石场
 Exercise Continue writing what will happen in the hospital.
1. Mind map for expressing feelings. 

2. Writing
The following points should be included.
Point 1. Will “I” tell Grandad the truth ?
Point 2. What will “I” do and how do “I” feel when Grandad asks me about Goldie?
Para. 17  I bet he’s been thinking about Goldie all day. What am I going to tell him? My mind’s all confused._____________________________________________
( 40-50Words)

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