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外研版英语必修3 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China Reading and Vocabulary 天津市 - 东丽区

视频标签:Ancient Chin


视频课题:外研版英语必修3 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China Reading and Vocabulary 天津市 - 东丽区

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Module 5: 
  Philosophers of Ancient China 
Reading and Vocabulary 
Teaching Background Analysis 
Analysis of Textbook 
   This material is from Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. It is the reading part in Module 5. It mainly talks about three philosophers of ancient China. It has three paragraph and each paragraph talks about one philosophers. The words and phrases here are not difficult but they are often used in the daily life. So I intend to stress on the words and let students understand and be able to use them in this class.  
Analysis of Students 
  Students in Class Three are the students in Grade One in Tianjin Gangguan Middle School. They have learned English for several years. However, their English level is not very high. One of the most important things is that they have difficulties in remembering the words and their meanings. What’s more, they seldom learn about the Chinese history in their spare time, so they know little about our Chinese own culture. So I plan to teach them something about Chinese culture silently.  
Teaching Objectives 
Knowledge and Skills: 
 ①To identify the meaning and uses of some important words occurring in the reading passage. 
 ② To develop students ability to find specific information. Process and Method: 
 ①To work individually to read the passage. 
 ②To discuss in groups to talk about their favorite teachings.  ③To translate the famous sayings in the whole class. Emotion and Attitude: 
 ①To express their own ideas.   
 ②To help students realize the importance of time.  
 ③To help students learn more about Chinese culture and develop their understanding to Chinese culture.  
Important Points  and  Difficult Points 
Important Points:  
 1.To identify the meaning and uses of some important words occurring in the reading passage. 
 2.To develop students ability to find specific information. 
 3.To help students learn more about Chinese culture and develop their understanding to Chinese culture 
                            Difficult Points 
 1.To identify the meaning and uses of some important words occurring in the reading passage. 
 2.To help students learn more about Chinese culture and develop their understanding to Chinese culture     
Teaching Method Cooperative language Learning Teaching Aids Multimedia (Micro- video, pictures) 
Teaching Procedure 
Teaching Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities purpose 
     Step 1 
 Lead-in ( 3 minutes ) 
1. Tell students that “ Yesterday I had a dream. In my dream, I traveled to the ancient times. So do you want to know where I traveled?” 2. Then play the micro-class (In the video, there are three stops---- 525BC, 465BC, 367BC) and ask students to watch it and think “ Who I met in my dream? 
3. Then ask them “ Do you want to learn more about these three philosophers?” 
1. Listen to the teacher and watch the video. 2. Answer the question. --- “孔子! “ --- “孟子!” --- “墨子!” 
(Perhaps they don’t know how to say their names, so I should tell them the pronunciation.) 
1. Arouse students interest and shift students attention to the class. 
2. Give students a brief introduction to the reading passage and make them have a background information about these three philosophers.  
     Step 2 
  ( 33 minutes ) Fast reading: ( 3 min ) 
Ask students to read this passage and do the activity on the task paper. 
The questions are as follows:   Fill in the blank: Choose the right teachings to each 
1. Read the passage. 2. Do the exercise. (They can answer them correctly, because it is easy to find the answers. But they may not understand the deep meaning of these teachings. Therefore, I can tell something about it.) 
1. Learn more about these three philosophers. 
2. Develop the ability to find special information. 
3. Make preparations to careful reading. 
                            Careful Reading:(25 min) 1. Ask students to read each  paragraph. (2 min) 2. Do some exercise  according to the reading passage, such as T&F and fill in the blanks. ( while checking the answers, summarize few aspects to introduce a philosopher)  (3 min) 3. Then explain some important words or phrases and give students some sentences and ask them to guess “ What are the words’ (stress, importance, bring up) part of speech? What are the Chinese meaning?” (15 min ) 
4. Then make some similar sentence or do the choices, or just translate the sentences that those words occur in the reading passage ( While making some sentences, ask students who are not good at English to repeat the sentences). ( 5 min )  
1. Students read the passage loudly. 2. Do the exercise 3. Listen to the teacher carefully and guess the words’ meaning. 
4. Do the different types of exercise, read the sentences loudly or just repeat the sentence individually. 1. Give students the time to read and help students get familiar with the reading passage. 
2. Know how to introduce a philosopher. 
3. Learn the words in context, in order to help them understand and remember the words’ meaning. 
4. Consolidate what they have learned and return to the reading passage to understand the passage deeply.   
Post-reading: ( 5 min ) 1. Tell students that “ My dream continued. This time I came to the Qi state in 310BC. Here is a building named Jixia Academy.”  
2. Then talk about the function of Jixia Academy. 3. Group Work: ask students work in groups to discuss “ If you were the ruler of Qi state, which 
1. Listen to the teacher carefully. 
2. Work with their group members to think about which ones teachings they preferred to choose. (They may have difficulties here. So I should walk around to assist them to get to know the meaning or 
1. Connect to the Lead-in part and restate that we were in a dream. 
2. To help students learn some Chinese culture ---- JiXia Academy. 
3. Dig up the deep meaning of the teachings and connect them to the 
                            one’s teaching would you like to choose among these three philosophers? And Why? 
influence of these teaching on the society). 3. Show their performance.  
----- “I will choose Confucius. Because I think order is important to the society. If we do not obey the order, the world will be a mass.”  real life.                  
    Step  3    Translation ( 5 minutes ) 
1. Tell students that “ My next stop is in 2008. I was in the Bird Nest and watched the opening ceremony of 2008 Olympics. There was a program that impressed me so much. So do you know it?”  
2. Then show a short video about this program. 
3. Translate the famous Confucian sayings with students. 
4. After translation, just tell them to follow them in their daily life. 
1. Listen to the teacher carefully and answer the question. ---- “ No. / Yes.” 
(Most of the students may not remember the program, because they were only 8 years old at that time, so I just explain to them.) 
2. Watch the short video. 
3. Try to translate the sayings. 
1. Develop their understandings of Confucian teachings. 2. Give them an education on world outlook and ask them to learn from others who are better than themselves.   
Step  4    Summary   ( 2 minutes ) Summarize what they have learned this class, especially the three important points---- stress, importance and bring up, etc. 
 Listen to teacher carefully and speak out the Chinese meaning 
Consolidate what they have learned.      
    Step  5        Homework ( 2 minutes ) 
1. Tell them the end of the dream and ask them to cherish the time. (“I woke up and went to work. In my school, there will be a Chinese Traditional Festival. Some of the foreigners will visit our school and take part in this festival. So can you help me introduce these three philosophers to the foreigners.  
2. Assign the homework: 
   Write a brief introduction on these three philosophers to the foreigners. 
Module 5   Philosophers of Ancient China 导学案
Activity  1   Read and make a choice:
 Choose the right answers:

Name Position Teachings
Confucius Philosopher ______________
Mencius Thinker and adviser ______________
Mozi Teacher ______________
A. Man is good.
B. Government was the most important. 
C. Kindness, duty and order in society.
D. People were more important than rulers.
E. All men were equal.
F. Love all human beings and look after those who are weaker than ourselves.
G. The war is bad.
Activity  2    Careful Read:
Para One:
(1). States were often at peace with each other in ancient China.   (   )
(2). Confucius’ ideas have the greatest influence on China.       (   )
(3). Confucius stressed the importance of order.                (   )
 1. stress: ① ___ _______   ② ___ _______   
        ¯ ____________ stress on  ____________
        ¯ stress the importance of  ____________
  Exercise:  孔子强调仁爱的重要性。( n.)
 2. importance: _____________
¯ be of (vital/great) importance = _________
  be of help = ______________      be of use = ______________
  Exercise: 保护传统文化是很重要的。
Para Two:
  Mencius was a 1.thinker whose teachings were similar to those of Confucius. He was 2. brought up  by his mother. He was given an important 3. position in the government of a state. However, when he saw that the ruler was not following his advice, he 4. resigned. Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good and he hated the state when it treated people badly.
  Answer: 1.__________  2. _________  3. ___________  4.____________
 Phrase: bring up: ①________   ②________   ③ _________
  Ø 一般来说, 我们选择培养孩子的方式是很重要的.
   Generally speaking, the way we choose to ____________ children is of great importance.
 Para Three:
  1. Mozi was a very ___________ (influence) teacher.
  2. Mohism was f___________ by Mozi.
  3. ___________ (在某些方面), Mozi's teachings are advanced (先进的).
  4. Mozi’s teachings ______________ (与...相似)those of Confucius.
  5. ______________ (结果), Mozi became the only one ancient philosopher who was once a farmer.
  6. Mozi thought that all human beings were ___________ (平等的).
  7. Mozi's idea of love  __________________ (与...不同)Confucian idea of kindness.
Activity 3  Discussion:
   Among three philosophers, which one do you like best? Why?
Activity 4  Translation:
  Translate these famous sayings:
    1. When a friend comes from afar, is that not delightful?
     2. Keep what you say and carry out what you do.
     3. When walking in the company of other men, there must be one I can learn something from.
Activity 5   Self-check:
      Look at the quiz board and see if you can answer them
     the answers are all we have learned in this class).
1. Which words have the same meaning of ‘country’?
2. China was f_________ in 1949. 3. The noun of ‘believe’ is?
  1. Which phrase can refer to ‘the two countries fight with each other’?
5. Confucius thought o_____ is important. 6. What does ‘Chairman, president, monitor, headmaster...’ refer to?
7. Jay Zhou is _________ in Chinese popular music. 8. ‘To decide to quit (离开)the job’ means________. 9. The same meaning of ‘come up with” is?
10. Do you add ‘-er’ or ‘-or’ to make a noun from advise?
11. What does “principle” mean in Chinese?
12. The noun from the adjective (adj.) important is?
13. The opposite of ‘evil’ is?
14. List a phrase of ‘stress’.

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