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在线播放:高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Extended reading -- Don’t judge a book by its cover第8课时

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高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Extended reading -- Don’t judge a book by its cover第8课时

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视频课题:高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Extended reading -- Don’t judge a book by its cover第8课时

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高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Extended reading --- Don’t judge a book by its cover第8课时

8课时 Book1  Unit4  Extended reading --- Don’t judge a book by its cover
1.教材分析 What:本语篇是一篇杂志文章,首先介绍了当下青少年对于个人外表存在的消极观念,并分析了这些消极观念产生的原因:媒体宣扬的审美标准和同伴群体的影响,在此基础上,作者提出了消除这些消极观念的三条建议:不盲目追求美的既定标准、肯定自我的独特性、转移注意力;最后,作者鼓励青少年不要“以貌取己”,学会肯定自我,接纳自我,欣赏自我。
How: 本文以提出问题,分析问题,解决问题,点明主旨的议论文结构,通过摆事实、讲道理展开议论,逻辑性强,观点明确。
Why:鼓励学生做自己,欣赏自己,正确看待外貌,认识到自己的优势,体会内在美远比外在美重要。Teenagers' beauty anxiety.jpg
2.学情分析 高一新生刚步入高中,新的环境、新的学习内容、新的同伴群体都会让学生面临各方面的挑战。处于青春期阶段的学生自我意识不断提高,对美的正确观念必须树立,才能有助于学生树立正确的自我认知,学会自我欣赏,培养积极的人生态度,因而本课学习尤为重要。在知识技能方面,一方面,学生英语方面的知识储备还不够丰富,需要较多时间去深入理解语篇,补充更多信息,对于逻辑关系的梳理更需要特别关注;另一方面,学生经过本单元前面课时的学习,对美的认识和对自我的认识已经有所思考,这将有助于学生开展对本课时的学习。
3.教学目标 During this period, students will:
1. Language skills:
employ prior knowledge and strategies to read Don’t judge a book by its cover and then deepen understanding about beauty;
2. Thinking qualities:
develop logic thinking by figuring out the problem-solving structure of the text and critical thinking by appreciating beauty from different aspects;
3. Learning abilities:
learn useful expressions and use them flexibly in stating personal opinions on some Chinese sayings about physical appearance;
4. Cultural awareness:
find out the common points of different cultures by talking about Chinese and English sayings about physical appearance.
4.*重点难点 Students can use the mind map to comb through the structure of the article and understand the meanings of some sentences or phrases.
Students can talk about their opinions on some Chinese sayings about physical appearance.
5.教学过程 教学目标 教学活动与步骤 评价要点 时间与互动模式
学生认识理解标题含义。 Step 1 Leading in
1. Interact with students
T: I think you must be very good at English because I read your expectation from your eyes…I think you must be a straight A student because you look like so…
S: Yes / No
2. T leads Ss to understand the title: Don’t judge a person by his appearance
学生能听取信息并进行合理应答;并能依据情景和经验推断标题的含义。 CW/IW
设计意图:缓和紧张气氛;拉近师生距离;自然引入主题:Don’t judge a book by its cover
学生获取文章基本信息和结构,强化逻辑思维。 Step 2 First reading
1. T invites Ss to divide the article into 4 parts and conclude the main idea of each part (problem, causes, ways, conclusion)
2. T stresses the problem-solving structure of an argumentation according to the map
学生能阅读理解文本大意;并依据段落大意合理梳理文章结构。 CW/IW/PW
学生理解文章细节信息,并根据补充信息深化理解,从多维度认识美,做出正确思维判断。 Step 3 Second reading
1. T invites students to read part 1 to figure out:
1).Which word helps the author raise the problem? (Unfortunately)
2).What does “that” refer to? (Judge a book by its cover)
2. T helps Ss to realize beauty has no standard and cannot be defined
3. T invites Ss to judge which is the reason why the social media make the problem even worse (It is much easier for us to see friends’ updates on social media)
4. T invites Ss to judge which way can help us build confidence. (Play a ball game we are good at)
5. T encourages Ss to judge themselves by the inside (part 4).
学生能通过读、看、听、思,做出合理判断,深化对文章细节词汇表达的理解,同时深化对主题的理解。 CW/IW
学生多维度认识高中生应追求的美,培养创新思维。 Step 4 Brainstorming
T invites Ss to brainstorm:
What is the real beauty for teenage students?
(brave, energetic, active, unique, true, young)
学生能结合自身,列举学生应具备的美好品质;创造性思维得以训练。 CW/IW
学生通过阐述对中国有关美的习语的观点,强化对美的正确认知。 Step 5 Discussing
T asks Ss to talk about their opinions about some Chinese sayings about physical appearance.
学生能结合身边事例、运用所学知识,对相关习语展开观点陈述;口语表达能力得以培养。 PW/CW
学生树立正确的审美观,学会接纳自我,欣赏自我 Step 6 Appreciating
1. T summarizes with the saying: Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside and out. (Audrey Hepburn)
2. T plays the song Try (Colbie Caillat)
学生能在倾听欣赏的过程中反思并受到鼓励,摆正观点,学会欣赏自我 CW/IW
7.作业布置 1. Read or sing and appreciate the poem I am Me.
2. Read the article A Few Tips for Self-acceptance(2020年全国卷) and complete the exercise.
8.教学反思 学生在每个环节基本都能达到预设的教学目标。特别值得教师思考的是:
1)正处于青春期的高中生一方面可能因为敏感不乐意去谈论个人的容貌,另一方面可能长时间都专注于学业,对自己的外貌的美丑真的没有特别的关注,因而,类似于“what dark thoughts about physical appearance do you have?”这样的问题是不适宜在课堂上向学生提出的,不如向学生展示更多当下容貌焦虑的普遍性,引发学生深思该如何应对这一焦虑,避免将来陷入这样的焦虑状态。
3)讨论环节应在学生准备之前更加鼓励学生利用身边事例区阐述论证自己的想法,有一位学生通过阐述“餐厅服务人员需要穿戴整洁吸引客户用餐”来表达对 “人靠衣装马靠鞍”这一说法的支持,值得学习。

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