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在线播放:高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Welcome + Reading(1) 第1课时

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高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Welcome + Reading(1) 第1课时

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视频课题:高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Welcome + Reading(1) 第1课时

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高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Welcome + Reading(1) 第1课时

1课时 Book1  Unit4  Welcome + Reading(1) --- Looking good, feeling good
1.教材分析 What:2个高中生的不同生活习惯;一篇关于一女学生节食减肥以致校园晕倒的新闻报道。
2.学情分析 学生为新进校的高一新生,正处在身体发育和树立正确价值观的关键时期,开始有了对美好形象的追求。同时,基于学生初中三年的英语积累,学生在交际过程中能结合个人经历,用英语谈论“健康”和“美”的话题,得体地与他人交流沟通,正确表达个人观点。可能会存在个别生词表达困难的情况。
3.教学目标 During this period, students will be able to:
1. understand the meaning of pictures, images, sounds and other non-text resources in topics such as “lifestyle”, “weight loss”, and “beauty”;
2. combine personal experience, analyze the good and bad of different lifestyles when discussing topics of “health” and “beauty” in the communication process, communicate with others appropriately, and express personal opinions correctly;
3. grasp the characteristics of news report in terms of text structure and expression;
4. have a positive and healthy understanding of the true meaning of beauty, and establish a correct aesthetic concept.
4.*重点难点 In this lesson, it is important for students to:
1. combine personal experience, analyze the good and bad of different lifestyles when discussing topics of “health” and “beauty” in the communication process, communicate with others appropriately, and express personal opinions correctly;
2. grasp the characteristics of news report in terms of text structure and expression;
3. have a positive and healthy understanding of the true meaning of beauty, and establish a correct aesthetic concept.
5. 教学过程
教学目标 教学活动与步骤 评价要点 时间与互动模式
学生能够结合个人经历,介绍个人的生活习惯。 Step 1.
1. Ask the students a few questions about their new school life and living habits.
学生能够了解自己的生活方式并能准确表达。 IW
学生在交际过程中谈论“健康”的话题时,能够分析不同生活方式的好与坏,并得体地与他人交流沟通,正确表达个人观点 Step 2.
Lead the students to know about Carol and Tom and their living habits. Students are supposed to discuss the following questions:
(1)What good habits do Carol and Tom have? What are the benefits of these good habits?
(2)What problems will they have if they keep on these bad habits?
学生能够判断不同生活习惯的好坏,并能分析不同习惯所带来的好处和可能导致的问题。 IW/GW
设计意图:结合学生实际生活经历,引入主题,激发思考,引导学生简单地分析并表达不同生活方式的好与坏,从而树立起培养健康生活方式的意识,并呼应单元主题----只有坚持健康生活方式,才能让我们既能look good,也能feel good。
Step 3.
1. Look at the illustrations carefully and appreciate a quotation from Audrey Hepburn: “Beauty is being the best version of yourself on the inside and out.”

2. Lead the students to think about the following questions:
(1) What do you think is the inner beauty?
(2) Which one do you think is more important, inner beauty or outer beauty?
3. Watch a video about the change of popular hairstyles in China over the past 100 years. Students are supposed to think: Why are there different hairstyles in different periods of history? Students can share their opinions with others.
学生对于美的认识能更加全面,并能客观辩证地看待内在美与外在美。同时对于内在美和外在美的标准的定义,能有自己的理解,从而树立正确的审美观念。 IW/PW
学生能够理解有关“减肥”“美”等话题中的画面、图像、声音等非文字资源传达的意义。 Step 4.
1. Get to know the opinion that we are living in a society where being thin is often seen as being beautiful. Ask the students whether they agree with it or not.
2. Look at some illustrations about some extreme methods of losing weight.
3. Lead the students to focus on the passage in the reading part.
学生能够通过图像和视频,理解追求外在美的极端方式的不妥,从而更好地理解所学文章。 IW
学生能够把握新闻报道类语篇在文本结构和表达方式等方面的特征。 Step 5.
1. Ask the students to look through the passage quickly, and try to find out what writing style the passage is.
2. Present the students a piece of newspaper, and then students are supposed to observe the headlines and think about the features of a headline of a news report.
3. Lead the students to focus on the headline of the passage, and find out the information mentioned in it.
4. Lead the students to read the Tip on Page 46, and try to find the structure of a news report.

5. Ask the students to read the passage, and try to find out the structure of it.
学生能够在教师的引导下,通过观察、对比了解新闻报道的特点,标题的特点,以及新闻报道的基本文本结构。 IW/GW
学生对美的真谛有积极健康的认识,树立正确的审美观念。 Step 6.
1. Watch a video and draw a conclusion: Put your beauty in your identity, not your identity in your beauty.
2. Homework: Preview each part of the news report, and think about the following questions:
(1). what is the process of Jennifer’s passing out?
(2). what are the extreme methods often taken by teenagers?
(3). what good methods does the expert suggest?
学生能够强化对美的真谛的认识,树立健康正确的审美观念。 IW
7.作业布置 Preview each part of the news report, and think about the following questions:
(1). what is the process of Jennifer’s passing out?
(2). what are the extreme methods often taken by teenagers?
(3). what good methods does the expert suggest?
8.教学反思 学生能够结合自身胜过经历和习惯,判断不同生活习惯的好坏,并能分析不同习惯所带来的好处和可能导致的问题,能有话可说,准确表达。同时,学生对于内在美和外在美的思考能够被激发,对于养成健康生活习惯、树立正确的审美观能够起到一定的作用。此外,学生对于新闻报道的基本结构能够有所了解。与此同时,在实践过程中,迫于当前学生的学习压力和状况,如何改善不好的学习生活习惯可能难以落实。

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Looking good”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Welcome + Reading(1) 第1课时”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Welcome + Reading(1) 第1课时”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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