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外研版选择性必修二My 100 Days With MSF威海

视频标签:100 Days


视频课题:外研版选择性必修二My 100 Days With MSF威海

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外研版选择性必修二My 100 Days With MSF威海市第一中学

【Step1】 Lead in
Play a short video about doctors with borders helping fighting against Covid-19, and introduce the logo of MSF, ans some information about MSF
From the date and the photos, can you guess what problem he was  tackling / dealing with?
【step2】Reading Circles
reading 1.
According to Time Order, divide the text into three parts. and complete the table. conclude the author’s different feelings in different periods, before he arrived, during 100 days with MSF and now
reading 2
Para 1
1. What does“exactly” show?
2.Why is it vital not to take any chances/take risks?
paragraph 2
 How do you understand“It is important to remember that Ebola doesn't respect national boundaries.”?
paragraph 3 and 4
Q1:what was the medical workers' daily routine like?
Q2:What difficulties may they encounter and what kind of qualities should they have to deal with each corresponding problem?
Para5:What is the function of paragraph 5?
paragraph 6,7
What did the author think about the crisis?
It helps break the boundaries between people, nations , cultures , languages, colors, carers and patients. 
In a world still facing so many problems, it is absolutely essential for all to collaborate to create a global community with a shared future of peace and prosperity.
How is the idea”a community with a shared future” reflected in the MSF doctor's journal?
【step3】Voice your opinion
interview:Suppose you are a reporter from UN, now you are having an interview to the Chinese doctor in MSF after his time was up in Liberia to know their life in MSF and his feelings .
Suppose you are the Chinese doctor Mr Liang Zongan, who was sent to aid Italy to fight the COVID-19 outbreak, please write a journal to record your daily routine there and your feelings after returning from Italy .


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