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课题 The Hungry King
课时 第一课时 课型 绘本故事课
教学背景分析 绘本简介: 
The Hungry king是一本充满了趣味性和表演性的绘本故事。绘本讲述了一只小兔子通过了自己的智慧打败了一只贪吃的大狮子。主要内容是一只贪吃的狮子依仗着自己的强壮而称霸森林,并要求小动物们都要为他做他喜欢的吃的。小动物们屈服在狮子的权威之下,虽不喜欢但也不敢去反驳狮子王。于是,聪明的兔子用智慧让狮子相信还有一只强壮的狮子称王,让狮子自己面对井中的自己,并投入到井里去了。
教学目标 本节课学习结束后,学生能够:
1.逐步领悟并习得本课的语言知识,会用相关的词汇和句子的含义:Hungry, beef, pork, sandwiches, breakfast, lunch, dinner, take…         to, mad.
3. 了解部分食物的单词。 
4. 激发学生对英语绘本阅读的兴趣,并能对故事片段进行表演。
教学重难点 1.     教学重点:了解故事的意思,并且学会复述故事第一部分。
2.     教学难点:能根据老师所给单词写出故事的结尾。
教学准备 多媒体课件,单词卡片、头饰等。
Step 1. 导入 (Warm up and lead in):
    T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m happy to see you here. I like to eat candy, so my name is Candy, all of you can call me Candy. I like reading books, I love story books very much, Do you like? Today, Let me tell a story for you.
Step2. 新课呈现(Presentation
1. Introduce Characters.
 T: This is a little rabbit. She lives in a forest. And she has some friends. Teacher plays sounds of a pig, a rabbit, a monkey and a bear, then ask: what is it? Students guess to lead in the characters. Teacher divides them into four groups accordingly. Then Teacher plays the sound of lion to lead in the main character: the lion king.
2. (1) Teacher plays the role of lion to present the story.
Lion: I’m the king. I’m hungry. I want some beef. I want some pork.
Animals: We can make sandwiches for you.
Lion: I like breakfast at 7 o’clock. Don’t be late. I like lunch at 12 o’clock. Don’t be late. I like dinner at 6 o’clock. Don’t be late.
(2)  T: Now you are the king, let’s do with Candy.
Teacher reads the story. Students try to follow and do actions. Then Students do and say with teacher. At last, Students play the Lion King and teacher plays animals.
3. T: Now let’s look at the picture. What are the animals talking about?  Students answer freely. T: They are talking about who takes the beef and pork to the lion king. Teacher emphasis on the word: takes to. T: Who takes the beef and pork to the lion king? Me? No, not me. You?(Teacher points to each team.) Students: Not me. Then teacher plays sound of the story: Pig: Oink, oink! Not me. Bear: Roar! Not me. Monkey: You, Rabbit! Rabbit: Me? Okay, I have a good idea! Then Students stand up? and practice together.
4. PPT shows a clock. T: Listen, what time is it now? Ss: It’s twelve ten. T: It’s too late. The king is mad. Teacher plays the sound of the lion: I’m hungry, where is my lunch? T: The king is mad, what can we do? What is the idea? Students answer freely. Then ppt shows the idea of rabbit: “Don’t be mad. There is a big lion. He ate your lunch. He said you are not the king. He is the king.” T: Now you are little rabbit, please show me your idea. Students repeat the text to answer.
5. PPT shows a lion looking at the well.
T: I’m the king! Where is he? Can you tell me where is the other king? Where? I can’t see. There! Yes, there is another king. Now the lion king sees another lion. What happens next? Please use your imagination to write your ending. Candy wrote an ending: The lion king is scared. He runs away. The rabbit is the king in the forest. This is my ending. How about you? Please write by yourself. Students write the ending.
6. PPT shows the story. Students watch the complete story.
()、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension
1. T: Now let’s read the story again and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Students read the story again and choose their favorite part to role play.
2. T: Let’s read and number the story. There are six pictures. Can you tell me which one is picture one? …… Students number the pictures.
3. T: This is an interesting story, Can you give the story a name. Students answer. Then T presents the emotional sentence: Solve the problems with wisdom. T: We should use our wisdom in our daily lives.
1. Read the whole story again.
2. Act out the story with your partner after class.
()、板书设计(Board design)

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“绘本阅读课”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频(附课件)绘本阅读课-江西”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“2017十一届小学英语教学基本功大赛及教学研讨会视频(附课件)绘本阅读课-江西”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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