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在线播放:小学英语译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me Fun time Cartoon time江苏省 - 南京

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小学英语译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me Fun time Cartoon time江苏省 - 南京

视频标签:Look at me


视频课题:小学英语译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me Fun time Cartoon time江苏省 - 南京

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小学英语译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me Fun time Cartoon time江苏省 - 南京

3A Unit 5 Look at me (Fun time & Cartoon time)教学设计
2.在游戏中进一步练习和巩固交际用语 How nice! It’s nice. Great!等去赞美别人。
3.理解掌握Cartoon time,会读、会演这个故事。
1.能会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap, yellow, red
2.能熟练运用句型Look at…,并且能熟练地用It’s nice./How nice!/It’s great./Great!来回答。
Step 1Warming up
1, Free talk
T: Good morning, boys and girls
S: Good morning,Miss Tong.
T: Thank you .Look at me(手指课题Look at me).Do you know me? I’m your new English teacher today. First, let me introduce myself to you . Hello. I’m…. This is….She’s my friend.
Can you introduce you and your friend to me?
1, T: We are good friends now. Look at this girl. Who is she?
S: She’s  Yang Ling.
T: Yes, This is Yang Ling, she is my friend. Yang ling has many beautiful clothes. She is showing clothes. Let’s be Yang Ling and mum, ok? (Review Story time)
Let’s read together.(齐读)
Good, What clothes does Yang Ling try?
OK,how does Yang Ling say? Who can act? Try your best!
2, 表演过后,引导孩子们对表演的孩子说“Great./Nice”等评价的语言。
T: You read it good! Now ,let’s sum up.
S: Look at my…(板书)
T: 当你想赞美别人的物品时,你可以说:
S: How nice/great!
It’s nice/great.
T: Great, and I want you to know more. How cool!(带读)
Try to use it ,you can get more praise.
Step2 Presentation
1.Game time
1, T: I’m so happy you can do it well, Yang Ling is happy too, because of the nice clothes, they are T-shirt, cap and the nice skirt, oh ,don’t forget the jacket we have learnt. Let’s play a game, remember all the clothes in 3 seconds, and then tell me what’s missing!
2, Lets chant
1, Let’s have a chant! (1.Chant together. 2.chant in groups.)
Cap, cap, look at my cap.
Nice, nice!  Oh, how nice!
Skirt, skirt, look at my skirt.
Great, great!  Oh, it’s great!
2, Can you choose your favourite clothes to make a new chant? Please talk with your partners.
3, show time
3, Cartoon time
T: Yang Ling is so happy to show the nice clothes, and Bobby’s mother Mummy is showing her clothes to Bobby’s father Daddy. What happened? Let’s watch the cartoon.
1, What clothes is Mummy showing?
A) A T-shirt.    B) A  jacket.   C) A cap.   D) A skirt.
2, What color is the T-shirt?
(教colour, what colour)
3, How nice! Now ,here is the story. Look at the picture and think:
Q: Is Mummy happy at first(开始)?
Is Mummy angry at last(最后)?
Let’s look at mum’s face,注意面部表情,happy, happy, angry.
So, Is Mummy happy at first(开始)?Yes or no?
Is Mummy angry at last(最后)?
Oh, because when Mummy shows the nice clothes, Daddy doesn’t look at the clothes.
4, A tips for you :when others are expressing ,we should listen carefully.
You can understand the story now, let’s read.
Read after the tape.
Open the books, read after me.
Read together.
5, T: OK ,now ,can you show us? Pay attention!
T: How to praise them?
S: It’s nice! /How nice!…
Step 3 Consolidation
1. Fun time
T: Bobby’s mother buy new clothes ,because Bobby, Mummy, Daddy and Sam will go to a fashion show. Do you want to go to the party? First, we have to make nice clothes for ourselves!
Look ,now ,I’m ……
教师先举例:How to make nice clothes?
2, T:Can you understand?
Here are the rules:
Look at my…
How nice/great/cool!
It’s nice/great.
Thank you.
3, T: Good job! Now who can come to show us?(请一些同学上台展示自己的作品并做时装走秀,请其他同学进行评价和赞美。)
S: Great!/ How nice!...
T: Everyone is great today.  Please 让member: Clothes make us look nice, good morality makes us really nice! OK, now ticking time comes, tick for yourself, please!
1). I can read and act the story. 我会朗读并表演这个故事。
2). I can talk about(谈论) clothes(衣服).我会谈论衣服。
3). I can use “nice” and “great” to give praise. 我会使用“nice”和“great”
Step 4 Homework
2.复习今天的cartoon time和rhyme time,回家向爸爸妈妈介绍你自己搭配的衣服吧。   
Step 5 Blackboard design
Unit 5 Look at me!

It’s nice.
How nice!
It’s great!

Look at my…                         skirt

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