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在线播放:花都区校级研讨课cloze test通过语篇分析进行完形填空教学02(授课老师 谭丹丽)


花都区校级研讨课cloze test通过语篇分析进行完形填空教学02(授课老师 谭丹丽)



视频课题:花都区校级研讨课cloze test通过语篇分析进行完形填空教学02(授课老师 谭丹丽)

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:花都区校级研讨课cloze test通过语篇分析进行完形填空教学02(授课老师 谭丹丽)

 花都区实验中学                立 德 树 人 ,  以 德 立 教  !                让 师 生 迈 向 成 功!

通过“跳空构建阅读”体验完形填空  学案
实验中学 谭丹丽
一、      Please skip through the following Cloze Test and try to guess the missing words according to the context and write them down please. (请尝试“跳空阅读”下面的文章,并根据上下文语境猜测空缺的单词,并写下来。)
The plane took off,a passenger needed a cup of water to take his medicine. An air hostess(空姐)told him that she would bring him the (1)_________soon. But the air hostess was so (2)________ that she forgot to bring him the water. As a (3)__________, the passenger couldn’t take his medicine on time. About half an hour later, she hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he (4) __________it.
In the following hours, each time she (5)_________ the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger (6)___________ paid attention to her.
When it was time to get off the (7)_________, the passenger asked her to hand him the passengers’ booklet(留言薄). She was very (8)_________. She thought that he would (9)_________ down bad words in it, but with a smile she handed it to him.
Off the plane, she opened the booklet and then (10)_________. The passenger put it, “In the past few hours, you have asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve faithful(真诚的) smiles?”
An old carpenter(木匠) was ready to retire. His boss was (1)________ to see the good worker go. He asked the carpenter if he could build just one more house. The carpenter said yes, but his mind was not on his work any more.
He used poor materials(材料) and worked on the house (2)_______. When the carpenter finished his work, the boss(3)________ the front-door key to him, “This is your house,” he said, “A (4)________ for you.”
What a surprise! What a (5)_________! If he had known he was building his (6)________ house, he would have done it differently. Now he had to live in the house he had poorly built.
So it is with us. Sometimes we build our (7)_________ carelessly. At important points we do not try our best. Then with a shame we look at the situation we have created. We find that we are now living in the house we have poorly built. But we don’t have a (8)________ to make it all over again.
Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your life. Build it (9)_______. It is the only life you will ever build because life is a do-it-yourself project.
Your life today is the (10)________ of your attitudes and choices you made in the past. Your life tomorrow will be that of your attitudes and choices you make today.
1. A. glad                B. nervous               C. ready                  D. sorry
2. A. carefully         B. completely           C. carelessly            D. successfully
3. A. handed          B. left                      C. sold                     D. threw
4. A. gift                        B. promise                C. choice                  D. question
5. A. task                 B. wisdom                C. shame                        D. stress
6. A. real                        B. expensive            C. old                              D. own
7. A. studies            B. lives                    C. jobs                      D. feelings
8. A. plan                B. chance                C. method                       D. pleasure
9. A. wisely             B. peacefully          C. rapidly                D. widely
10. A. talent            B. wealth                 C. result                   D. difference
The plane took off. A passenger needed a cup of water to take his medicine. An air hostess(空姐)told him that she would bring him the (1)_________soon. But the air hostess was so (2)________ that she forgot to bring him the water. As a (3)__________, the passenger couldn’t take his medicine on time. About half an hour later, she hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he (4) __________it.
In the following hours, each time she (5)_________ the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger (6)___________ paid attention to her.
When it was time to get off the (7)_________, the passenger asked her to hand him the passengers’ booklet(留言薄). She was very (8)_________. She thought that he would (9)_________ down bad words in it, but with a smile she handed it to him.
Off the plane, she opened the booklet and then (10)_________. The passenger put it, “In the past few hours, you have asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve faithful(真诚的) smiles?”
1. A. medicine               B. water                  C. cup                      D. coffee
2. A. rude                       B. free                     C. kind                    D. busy
3. A. help                       B. result                   C. hand                    D. truth
4. A. drank                      B. accepted             C. refused               D. received
5. A. looked at                       B .listened to            C. talked about        D. passed by
6. A. always                   B. never                  C. usually                D. often
7. A. plane                      B. train                    C. ship                      D. bus
8. A. interested              B. happy                   C. excited                 D. sad
9. A. say                           B. draw                    C. write                   D. get
10. A. smiled                   B. cried                    C. wondered          D. worried

1.        课前引入新颖,以一张长颈鹿小拼图来呈现完形填空的概念,生动有趣,给学生做了一个非常成功的心理建设,消除了学生的畏难情绪;
2.        通过引导学生关注首句,来获取文章的背景信息,对学生理解文章很有帮助;
3.        引导学生预测故事的发展,让学生带着猜想去读文章,培养预测能力的同时,学生能在阅读的过程中不断验证自己的猜测,从而体验阅读的乐趣。
4.        运用“跳空阅读”,引起学生对语篇整体性的关注;
5.        通过对挖空处的猜测,增强了学生阅读的认真度;
6.        先预测,预测之后,学生都想知道自己预测的结果,此时才给选项就变得顺理成章,也达到了化难为简的结果。同时也培养了学生的推理判断能力;
7.        能从学生的猜测结果中,具体知道学生做完形填空时碰到的困难,以及思路是否恰当等,从而进行有针对性的指导;
8.        学生在写下自己所猜测答案的过程中,也会写下与正确答案意思相近或相同的词,有利于帮助学生积累词汇;
9.        能注重解题思路的归纳;
10.   教学设计对教学目标的达成有一定的针对性,总体达成目标度较高;
11.   目标定位明确,取材符合中考完形填空的要求,老师指导很到位;
1.    时间把握不好,前松后紧,导致后面没有时间在做另一篇练习前,帮助学生梳理完形填空的解题步骤;
2.    可让学生把答案填回原文,再朗读。教师让学生自己读一遍来检查,但学生只是默读了;
3.    课后作业可让学生细读《中考指导书》中相关策略和解题步骤;
4.    选材语篇难度还可以更高一点,才能充分锻炼学生的猜测阅读的微技能;
5.    应关注每一个层次的学生的上课状态,以提高学生对课堂的关注度。
6.    跳空阅读可能对中下层次学生有一定难度;
7.    可让学生来总结做完形填空的方法;
8.    十个空的处理方法是否可以有所不同;
9.    记述文的整体性未讲,未帮学生归纳出来;
10. 小结的时候过于简单和快,可以让学生试着去小结;

完形填空复习专题  课后反思
首先非常感谢我们专题的小组成员:罗淑萍、梁斌两位老师对我本节公开课的献计献策,激励鼓励,台前幕后的付出。同时,也非常感谢曾老师打电话来亲自指导,教我如何修改引入部分,如何潜移默化地培养学生猜测的阅读微技能,如何用一个问题“What is the air hostess’ job?—(To provide the best service for the passenger.)”来为学生理解文章提供重要的场景信息。谢谢您们!
在写这个反思之前,我认真地观看了自己上课的视频,发现了很多需要努力克服的不足之处。首先,课堂用语不够规范,有时看到学生没有什么反应时,总是忍不住补上一句中文;而且在上课的过程中,有一些即时的想法想用英语表达出来,却发现自己头脑空白,反应不过来要怎么用英语来paraphrase,导致在引导学生往正确的方向猜测的十分钟的过程中,中文用得较多。这与我平时讲题时,总是为了让学生更快地理解,而使用中文来解析有关。要改变这一现状,我必须从平时讲题时入手,平时就多用英语来paraphrase, 促进自己的同时,也是在帮助学生增强英语表达的能力。其次,由于时间把握不到位,造成心理紧张,表现出来的结果就是:思维混乱。在讲解第9和第10题时,出现错位。问了学生第9题,自己讲的时候却总是盯着第10题在看,导致学生也被我弄糊涂了。还有一次失误是:叫了学生to check the answers, 却没发现自己还没把answers按出来,也是反应慢半拍,真是哭笑不得!另外,对于一道有争议的题目(第10题),当很多学生选择了cry,而不是smile时,解释得还不够到位,只是说:“When the air hostess saw this sentence, she knew that the passenger has forgiven her. So she smiles.”但其实有些学生还是觉得cry也可以,因为她感动了。但我没有在此时再告诉学生,文章中,乘客并没有做什么值得空姐感动得哭的事,所以最佳答案应该是smile,因为空姐此时终于释怀了,她得到原谅了。对于这类课堂中学生有争议的题目,我应该再引导学生进行深入思考,帮助他们把文章理解得更透切!再次,我要反思的是我的板书,首先是要多练习粉笔字,另外,虽然我是按不同类型的考点把题号重新布局(1-7;4-6;2-3-5-8-9-10),但我却没有在归纳的时候,在黑板上把这些已经分好类的题号用大括号标识一下,只是口头归类了一下,这样效果大打折扣。另外,对学生的关注不够全面,右边最后一排的学生被忽视了,目光多数停留在中间几排,以及左边几排,以后要多注意;最后,时间把握不好,导致最后一张关键的PPT(完形填空解题正确步骤的总结)没有呈现,而且,学生做完第二篇练习后,没有让学生讲题,就下课了,学生对本堂课所学技能的掌握程度,不得而知,只能等到下节课才能验证,这是最大的遗憾。以后,要把握好节奏,更紧凑些。

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