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人教版新目标九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 3a浙江省 - 绍兴

视频标签:afraid of,the dark


视频课题:人教版新目标九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 3a浙江省 - 绍兴

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人教版新目标九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 3a浙江省 - 绍兴
【Knowledge aims】
1. Students can master the key words and phrases: background, interview, Asian, deal with, dare, ton, private, guard, require; 
   take up doing ,get tons of attention, the road to success, make it to the top.
2. Students can be able to talk about what they used to be like and the changes.
3. Students can improve their reading skills.
【Ability aims】
1. Ss can use the new words and phrases freely.
2. Ss can improve their reading ability.
【Emotional & attitude aims】
  Ss will be encouraged to realize the road to success is difficult, and try to make it.
The analysis of students
Students of this period have been familiar with the way to talk about what you used to be like,so it'll be easier  for them to 
learn the language points in this class. Many students share the same experience as Candy Wang, so they have something to say and something to learn from her. At the same time, they can improve their reading skills.
Teaching Important & difficult Points:
1. Ss will master the key words and target language ;
2. Ss can talk about their changes in different aspects.
3. How to develop students’ reading skills
活动1【导入】九年级 Unit4 Section A 3a-3c
Step1 Warming-up
Enjoy an English song" Hey,Jude". And tell the Ss “Don’t be afraid.” in the English class.
活动2【讲授】九年级Unit4 Section A 3a-3c
Step 2: Presentation
1.Talk about the teacher’s story and present the new words:
T: I have changed a lot. I used to shy and I used to be afraid to speak in front of crowds .But now I’m outgoing. I dare to do that and I have many friends. I often hang out with my friends in my private time. Can you guess how I dealt with my shyness? Ss show their
opinions. Then tell Ss: My parents encourage me to be brave. I took up teaching to deal with my shyness. I want to be a good teacher. But it’s not so easy. I have to be prepared to work hard.
Now I’ m an interviewer and I want to interview you.
Free talk and share students’ stories :
1) What did you use to be like?
  2) What did you used to be afraid of ?
  3) How do you deal with your problem?
Step 3 Before reading
Look at the picture. Ask the Ss: What’s she doing?
Show the title: From Shy Girl to Pop Star. Let the Ss predict: What was the girl like in the past?/ What kind of music does she like? Tell
the Ss prediction is a useful reading strategy.
活动3【活动】九年级Unit 4 Section A 3a-3c
Step 3: While reading
1. Fast reading:
   Teach the reading strategy of skimming. Ask the Ss to skim the article and catch the main ideas. 
   Number the information [1–3].
______how Candy’s life has changed
______Candy’s advice to young people
______Candy’s background
Ask the Ss read them and find the key words first . Explain the new word “background”. Check the answers(2,3, 1)
2. Careful reading
a) Ask the Ss read the article carefully and do T/F statements.
(     )1.The writer interviewed the Asian rock star Candy Wang.
(     )2. Candy took up singing to deal with her fear.
(     )3. Now Candy is not shy anymore and loves singing in front of the whole school.
(     )4. Candy didn’t use to be popular in school, but now she gets too much attention .
(     )5.It’s almost impossible for Candy to hang out with friends now because there are   few guards around her.
(     )6.Candy thought it’s  difficult to succeed, but she didn’t give up.
       Check the answers (FFFTFT) and correct the statement if it’s false.
 b)Ask Ss to read paragraph 1 and then answer some questions about Candy Wang’s background.
   c) Candy’s life has changed a lot. Does she like her changes? Does she have any trouble or worries?
Ask Ss to read paragraph 2 and then fill in a chart about how Candy’s life has changed and finish the exercise in 3b.
   d) Ask Ss to read paragraph 3 and then complete the sentences about Candy’s advice to young people.
Do you agree with her? Do you want to be successful?
活动4【练习】九年级Unit 4 section A 3a-3c
Step 4: After reading
1.3c. Interview
  Now you have a great chance to interview Candy Wang. What questions do you want to ask her? Share Ss’ opinions.
  After that, T gives them a model. Ss work in groups of four. Choose one student to be Candy Wang, one student to be 
the interviewer ,and the other two can listen to them and help them.
2. Retell. After the interview, you can say something about Candy Wang according to the mind map.
3. Discussion:
   1)Candy says that the road to success is difficult. Do you think so?
   2)Do you want to be successful? Why or why not? What are you going to do when you meet difficulties or problem? 
    Tell the Ss “Never give up!”. Share the proverbs with Ss.
Step 5: Summary
Today we have learned these new words and phrases. Have the Ss read them together. And we also learned two  reading 
skills —— prediction and  skimming. We can learn a lot from Candy Wang and come to understand the secret to success. I hope they are helpful.
活动5【作业】九年级Unit4 Section A 3a-3c
Level A:
Read the article and recite the useful expressions.
Level B:
Write a passage to introduce Candy’s Wang and talk about your opinions on her life.
【Blackboard Design】
                 Unit 4  I used to be afraid of the dark.
                           Period 2 Section A 3a-3c
crowd                                           background
dare /dare to do                                Asia- Asian
private                                         ton/ tons of
deal with my shyness /dealt                     guard
interview- interviewer                          require
                                                make it to the top

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“afraid of,the dark”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“人教版新目标九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 3a浙江省 - 绍兴”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“人教版新目标九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 3a浙江省 - 绍兴”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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