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在线播放:外研版高中英语必修1A lively city Reading and Vocabulary四川省国家级优质课


外研版高中英语必修1A lively city Reading and Vocabulary四川省国家级优质课

视频标签:外研版,lively city


视频课题:外研版高中英语必修1A lively city Reading and Vocabulary四川省国家级优质课

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研版高中英语必修1A lively city Reading and Vocabulary -四川省南江中学

A lively city Reading and Vocabulary 
Part 1: The analysis of the teaching material 
1. The analysis of teaching content:   The content of my lesson is foreign language teaching and research press, Senior English book 1,Module4 .The topic is a lively city, this reading is designed to introduce Xiamen in the form of a dialogue, including its location,climate,people,business and places of interest etc. The aim, on one hand, is to enhance Ss’ understanding of Xiamen and on the other hand, is to enable Ss’ to master the way of introducing a city. It is a stretch of the introduction. 
2. The analysis of the students’ situation: 
Students of this stage are quick in thought and they are eager to show what they know and they have a certain ability to read .But they lack vocabulary to describe a city vividly and clearly. Part 2 Teaching aims 
 According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings:    1 Knowledge aims:  
1 Learn some words and sentences about neighborhood.  
 2 Train the ability of collecting and dealing with information, and develop their abilities of   getting new information, communication and cooperation.  3 Learn to describe some cities.       2 Ability aims: 
1、Comprehend the dialogue not only by reading strategies like skimming and scanning, but also by finishing different tasks; 
2、Train the students’ speaking ability through individual and pair work. 3、Write a passage to introduce Nanjiang. 
         3 Emotion aims: 
1、Develop Ss’ love with hometown. 
2、Develop their awareness of cooperation. 
Part 3 Teaching key points 
1. Master the key words and sentences. 
2. Improve the reading ability and grasp the way of introducing a city. 
Part 4 Teaching difficult points: 
3. Develop the ability of analyzing and processing information. 4. Introduce a city using the target vocabulary and sentences. 
 Part 5 Teaching methods 
a) Communicative Approach: Encourage Students to talk actively in class, build up their 
confidence, construct relaxed atmosphere. 
b) Task-based language teaching: Ask Students to accomplish tasks to solidify knowledge.  Part 6 Teaching aids 
Multimedia and blackboard Part 7 Teaching procedures    It includes five steps. Step 1: Greeting 
Step 2:Lead-in and pre-reading: 
Guess the city 
Task 1: some words and sentences 
Step 3 While-reading 
Task2  Find out the right order according to the dialogue. 
 1. Xiao Li and John are driving around Xiamen, talking about the weather, the apartment block, the business district, the western district and Gulangyu Island. 
 2. John is visiting Xiao Li’s hometown. They haven’t seen each other for 6 years. It’s the first time John has visited there.  
 3. They are too hungry (starving) to drive on. So they park the car and go over to a fish restaurant for lunch. 
 4. John thinks Xiamen is one of the most interesting  Task 3 Are the following sentences T or F ? 
1. John and Xiao Li haven’t seen each  other for six years. (     ) 2. John has never been to China before. (     )  3. Xiao Li enjoys living on the coast. (    ) 
4. There are very few tourists in the northwest of Xiamen.(     ) 
5. There are a lot of new high-rise buildings in Gulangyu Island.  (     ) 6. There are some interesting buildings on Gulangyu Island. (     ) 
Task4. Please look through the dialogue quickly and finish the framework about Xiamen. 
The cityThe peopleClimateBusiness districtWestern districtGulangyu       Island
1.________,interesting and2. _____3.___________               
4.__________________in summer, 
5. _____________in winter
lots of 6. ___________________ have been put up: there are some great 7._______________there are some pretty 8. ________
9.  __________, with some interesting 10._____________
Step4 Post-reading  
Task5. Supposing you are a guide and the teachers here are the tourists, you want to introduce Xiamen to the tourists.  
Task6. Discuss in groups and introduce Nanjiang. Step 5.Homework 
Ask students to write a passage about their hometown –Nanjiang

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