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高一人教版必修五unit5 First Aid 词汇复习与语法填空能力的培养-福建

视频标签:First Aid,词汇复习,语法填空能力


视频课题:高一人教版必修五unit5 First Aid 词汇复习与语法填空能力的培养-福建

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高一人教版必修五unit5 First Aid 词汇复习与语法填空能力的培养-福建省南平市高级中学

设计主题: 整合复习必修五Unit 5 First aid词汇,培养学生语法填空能力 
因此,本节课以必修五Unit 5 First aid为话题线索, 通过整合课文的语篇文本,复习单元重点词汇及内容,由点及面,由句到篇,层层递进;同时,以语法填空的考点为另一条线索,引导学生在观看视频和听力理解的过程中关注语言知识,培养语法意识,逐渐培养并提高语法填空能力。 
本节课的复习载体是必修五Unit 5 First aid。本单元话题为学生所熟知,学生对本单元词汇也有了一定的了解,因此复习起来难度不大。并且学生经过一年多语法填空的接触,已经对语法填空的基本题型结构和解题方法有大致的了解,然而他们做该题型时常常以感觉为主,缺乏判断依据。因此,本节课旨在引导学生着眼于语法填空的常见考点,以小组合作、观看视频以及“障碍式听力”的方式,通过引导学生进行“观察——讨论——总结——产出”的过程性学习活动,逐渐培养学生对相同题型的敏感度,从而提高解题的技能。     
ⅠTeaching Objectives 
At the end of this period, students will be able to improve themselves in the following two dimensions:  
1. Knowledge aim:  
Ss will consolidate and master the key words and important phrases in Unit 5 First Aid. They will make use of these words to make up some sentences and design some blanks with the sentences based on the rules of the Grammar Filling. 
                            2. Skill aims:  
(1) Ss will acquire the problem-solving skills of Grammar Filling by observing and discussing.  (2) Ss will have a good command of Cooperation Learning Approach by group work. 
Ⅱ Teaching Focus and Difficulties 
1. Teaching focus  
(1) Ss will be guided to observe the items which appeared in tests and try to summarize the common testing focuses with their partners.   
(2) With the help of the conclusions they have drawn, Ss drill and consolidate what they have learnt.  
2. Possible problems  
While Ss have practiced Grammar Filling for more than one year, they still feel puzzled about the blanks without any clues in brackets. So they may find it hard to fill these blanks. Some problem-solving skills may be of great help. 
Ⅲ Teaching Procedures 
Step 1 Review (2 minutes) 
  Ss take part in a competition to revise the important words in Unit 5 First Aid and figure out the meaning of each words in English. 
Step2 Lead in (4 minutes) 
1. Ss watch the video of Mr. Bean and focus on what happened and what he did as first aid. 
2. Ss get aware of what is Grammar Filling after filling the blanks designed from the video they watch. 
Step 3 Observe, discuss, summarize and practice (25 minutes) 
part1: Ss are required to observe each item carefully and summarize the rules of the first part of Grammar Filling ( i.e. the blanks with given words). (For convenience, Ss are provided with the worksheets before class.) 
The common grammar items tested in Grammar Filling are as follows. 
(1) n.    pl. 
   adj.   
(2)         adv.  adj.     n.          -er /-est  
(3)      predicate  v.     
tense voice 
doing done 
to do  S-V agreement 
         personal pron. (we, us…). (4)pron.    possessive pron. (our, ours…)  
reflexive pron. (ourselves…) 
part2: Ss are required to listen to the VOA news. After that, try to figure out the words that they can hear according to the context. They are also required to observe each stem carefully, and summarize the rules of the second part of Grammar Filling. ( i.e. the blanks without given words) 
(Adapted from the VOA news First aid saves our lives) 
From VOA Learning English, this is Science in the News. I'm Mario Ritter. Today, Bob Doughty and Pat Bodnar provide a short guide to first aid.  
Doctors in hospital emergency rooms often see accidental poisonings(意外中毒). A frightened parent arrives with a child who swallowed a cleaning liquid. Or perhaps the harmful substance(物质) is a medicine. Or it might be a product meant to kill insects. These are common causes of accidental poisoning. 
In cases like this, seek medical help as soon as possible. Save the container of whatever caused the poisoning. And look on the container for information about anything that stops the effects of the poison.  
Save anything expelled from the mouth of the victim. That way, doctors can examine it. If you know first aid methods, you can be calmer and more helpful in case of emergency. 
(1) prep. pron. & art.    prep. + O. (collocation)  
the + -est  a/an + n. 
(2) adv.   temporal adv.  
collocation of adv.  
(3)         attributive clause  linking words   noun clause 
          adverbial clause.   
linking words  parallel    
(what, who, whether/if, when, where , how…) 
(when , where, if, because, although…) (that, which, who, whom, whose, where, when, whether/if…) (and, or, but, so…) 4)             emphatic sentence   
sentence pattern     so…that….  
the usage of “it”. 
Step 4 Work in group(10 minutes) 
After discussing with their partners, students present their summaries and the teacher concludes the problem-solving skills. Ss drill to practice with the skills. They are encouraged to make use of the words in Unit5 Book5 to make up some sentences and design some blanks with the sentences based on the rules of the Grammar Filling to test their follow classmates. 
语法填空的规则和本单元的词汇设计出带语法填空的句子,以检验本堂课的学习效度,同时培养学生合作学习的能力。 Step 5 Practice(2 minutes)(If pressed for time, finish it as homework.) 
              (adapted from unit 5 First aid for burns) 
First aid is a temporary form of help 1._____ (give) to someone who suddenly falls ill or get 2.______ (injure) before a doctor can 3.________ (find). As we all know, the skin is an essential part of your body. It prevents your body 4.___________ (lose) too much water. You can get burned 5._______ hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation and so on. There are three types of burns 6.______(call) first, second and third degree burns. When someone gets burned, we will carry out first aid 7._________ (depend) on different degrees. Remove clothing from the 8.________ (burn) area unless it is stuck 9.________ the burn. Cover the area with a dry, clean bandage 10.________will not stuck to the skin. Then immediately take him or her to hospital. 
Step 6 Summarize – Complete the rhyme (1 minute)  
 谓语________和________  _____________牢记三形态 
 名变_______,形变______         有提示词 
                             ________、_______也光顾  _________________请关注   从句关系______或_______ 
 _____________搭配要记住         无提示词  _____________关联须领悟 
规则。 Step 7 Assign homework (1 minute) 
1. Practice more to review the rules of Grammar Filling and find more problem-solving ways. 2. Design 10 blanks from the text on page35 of Book 5. 
Individual Performance Checklist 
A+ A B+ B C+ C I’ve reviewed and mastered the key words and phrases of Unit5 Book 5. 
I can summarize and acquire the problem-solving skills of Grammar Filling through observing the examples and discussing in pairs. 
I can work out Grammar Filling individually with the strategies I’ve learned. 
      I can make up sentences and design some blanks .       I can get aware of the importance of first aid.  
My plan for improvement 
Group Performance Checklist  
During Group 
Everyone in our group 
1. has their own task. (Y/N) 
2. positively contributes the ideas to the group. (Y/N) 3. uses English all the time. (Y/N) 
4. listens to different opinions with respect. (Y/N) 5. does a fair amount. (Y/N)  
Class report (Peer evaluation) 
The presenter from other group 
1. shares with the class his/her group task division. (Y/N) 
 2. gives the presentation logically and clearly. (Y/N)            3. show a neat and good handwriting. (Y/N) 
           4. looks poised(冷静), relaxed and confident. (Y/N) 

Grammar Filling –Word Consolidation of Unit 5 First Aid
Students’ worksheet
Tasks before the new class.
1. Word competition
2.Watch the video of Mr. Bean and focus on what happened and what he did as first aid.
1). A man beside Mr. Bean _________(sudden) had a heart attack.
2). Poor Mr. Bean was _________(shock) and didn’t know what to do.
3). He thought of the mouth-to-mouth method, but he wasn't _____ (bravery) enough to do it.
4). He started __ ____(press)on the man’s chest
5). So he put a roll of magazine ____ place as a tube to blow air in.
6). He_____ (pour) the pills down the man’s throat.
7).When that didn’t work, he asked ____ some help.
8).At last, he gave the man an electric shock to restart _____(he) heart.
Procedures in class.
Step 1 Observe, discuss, summarize & Practice
1. n. 名词

v      For most of us the _________(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river.
v      Just be _________ (patience).


2. adj. 形容词

v      The river was so polluted that it ______(actual) caught fire and burned.
v       Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is ________(clean) than ever.


v      It was the driver’s ____________ (careless) that led to the accident.

3. v. 动词

v      A boy on a bike ________ (catch) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.
v      It was raining lightly when the lost child  ________ (find) on the roadside just before dawn.
v      This cycle _______(go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night .



v      Still, the boy kept _______(ride).
v      _______(see)  from the tallest building, the whole city looks beautiful.
v      I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused _______(stop) until we reached the next stop.


v      But for tourists like me, pandas are Chendu’s top__________ (attract).
v      Then, handle the most important tasks first so you’ll feel a real sense of _____________(achieve).
v      Everyone arrived late at the party for _______ (vary) reasons.


4. pron. 代词

v      Then the driver stood up and asked, “Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop ?”A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear ! It’s —________(I).”
v      A few hours earlier, I’d been at home in Hong Kong, with ______(it) choking smog.



Step 2 Listen, observe, discuss, summarize & Practice
Listen to the VOA news and try to figure out the words you can’t hear.
  (Adapted from the VOA news First aid saves our lives)
From VOA Learning English, this is Science in the News. I'm Mario Ritter. Today, Bob Doughty and Pat Bodnar provide a short guide to first aid.
Doctors in hospital emergency rooms often see accidental poisonings. A frightened parent arrives with a child who swallowed a cleaning liquid. Or perhaps the harmful substance is a medicine. Or it might be a product meant to kill insects. These are common causes of accidental poisoning.
In cases like this, seek medical help as soon as possible. Save the container of whatever caused the poisoning. And look on the container for information about anything that stops the effects of the poison.
Save anything expelled from the mouth of the victim. That way, doctors can examine it.
If you know first aid methods, you can be calmer and more helpful in case of emergency.
1. prep./art./ 介、冠

v      I got a place next ______the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk.
v      For those who fly to Guilin, it’s only an hour away _____car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.
v      Now, years later, this river is one of ____most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.


2. adv. 副词

v      I We get _____early in case we are late for school.
v      A few hours ____________, I’d been at home in Hong Kong, with its choking smog


3. Linking words. (连接词)

v      Maybe you have a habit ___________is driving your family crazy.
v      It’s also a good idea to take notes of emotions related to ______ you eat.


v      He was studying in the room _______ he heard a woman screaming.


v      But the river wasn’t changed in a few days _____even a few months.
v      There were many people waiting at the bus stop, ______some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.
v      Many people believe this kind of job is done by the government, ______I think it’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment.


4. Sentence pattern. (固定结构)

v      ________ was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldn’t eat that food!
v      I was so careless ________ I had forgotten all about that.

Step 3 Work in groups
Make use of the words in Unit5 to make up some sentences and design some blanks with the sentences based on the rules of the Grammar Filling.
Step 4 Practice (If pressed for time, finish it as your homework.)
          (adapted from unit 5 First aid for burns)
First aid is a temporary form of help 1._____ (give) to someone who suddenly falls ill or get 2.______ (injure) before a doctor can 3.________ (find). As we all know, the skin is an essential part of your body. It prevents your body 4.___________ (lose) too much water. You can get burned 5._______ hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation and so on. There are three types of burns 6.______(call) first, second and third degree burns. When someone gets burned, we will carry out first aid 7._________ (depend) on different degrees. Remove clothing from the 8.________ (burn) area unless it is stuck 9.________ the burn. Cover the area with a dry, clean bandage 10.________will not damage the skin. Then immediately take him or her to hospital.
Step 5 Summarize – complete the rhyme
§         谓语________和________
§         _____________牢记三形态
§         名变_______,形变______         有提示词
§         ________、_______也光顾
§         _________________请关注
§         从句关系______或_______
§         _____________搭配要记住         无提示词
§         _____________关联须领悟
Step 6 Consolidate and assign homework
1. Practice more to review the rules of Grammar Filling and find more problem-solving ways.
2. Finish the exercises on your paper when necessary.
Step 7 Self-assess 
Individual Performance Checklist Levels
A+ A B+ B C+ C
I’ve reviewed and mastered the key words and phrases
of Unit5 Book 5.
I can summarize and acquire the problem-solving skills of Grammar Filling through observing the examples and discussing in pairs.            
I can work out Grammar Filling individually with the
strategies I’ve learned.
I can make up sentences and design some blanks .            
I can get aware of the importance of first aid.            
My plan for improvement  
  Group Performance Checklist
During Group Work
Everyone in our group
1. has their own task. (Y/N)
2. positively contributes the ideas to the group. (Y/N)
3. uses English all the time. (Y/N)
4. listens to different opinions with respect. (Y/N)
5. does a fair amount. (Y/N)
Class report
(Peer evaluation)
The presenter from other group
1. shares with the class his/her group task division. (Y/N)
                    2. gives the presentation logically and clearly. (Y/N)
           3. show a neat and good handwriting. (Y/N)
           4. looks poised(冷静), relaxed and confident. (Y/N)

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