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《Unit 6 I'm watching TV (1a-2c)》20浙江郭晗_2016年第十届全



视频课题:《Unit 6 I'm watching TV (1a-2c)》20浙江郭晗_2016年第十届全

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人教七年级《Unit 6 I'm watching TV (1a-2c)》20浙江义乌市稠州中学教育集团 郭晗_2016年第十届全国初中英语教师基本功大赛说课大赛视频(附课件)

UNIT 6  I’m watching TVSection A Period 1 1a-2c
Teacher:  Guo Han
Students:  Grade 7
Time Duration:  40 minutes
Good afternoon, everyone!
It is my honor to be here to present my lesson today. The lesson I am going to talk about is from Go for it Book 2, Unit 6---I’m watching TV, Period 1 (1a—2c). It is a speaking and listening class. I will present it from 7 parts: the analysis of teaching material, the analysis of learners, teaching objectives, teaching methods and aids, teaching procedures blackboard design and reflection.
The Analysis of Teaching Material
To begin with, let me introduce analysis of the teaching material.
The New English Curriculum advocates quality-oriented education and all-round development of students. It lays stress on the interactions between teachers and students. Therefore, teachers should try to active students’ own knowledge and encourage them to talk. And the topic of this unit is about how to talk about what people are doing. It is intended to create a relaxing and happy environment for students to learn and communicate. Through observation, listening, and speaking, students are able to use the present progressive tense correctly. In other words, learn by doing. 
The Analysis of Learners
While the teaching material is the premise of teaching, the analysis of learners is also crucial. Students are from Grade 7, they have laid a foundation for a certain amount of listening and speaking skills. Some of the words in this unit like watch, clean, exercise are familiar to them. They can understand some simple languages. Most of them are eager to learn English well, but some of them are afraid to speak out. Of course, some may even lose their interest in learning English.
Teaching objectives
With the analysis of the teaching material and learners, I set up my teaching objectives as follows:
Knowledge and skills:
    1. students are able to talk about what people are doing by using the words like  newspapers, use, soup, wash, watch TV, talk on the phone, and wash the dishes...  
    2. students are able to use correctly the structures like what is he/she doing? He is…What are you doing? I’m… What are they doing? They are…
    3. while listening, students are able to get some important information and learn to predict before listening..
Process and methods:
    1. students are able to make up a dialogue scaffolded with patterns and situation, and share with each other.
Emotion and values:
    1. students are able to learn respectively and cooperatively through group work.
    2. students are able to know how people in western countries talk on the phone,      
Important and difficult point:
    1. students are able to use correctly the structures like what is he /she doing? He is…What are you doing? I’m… What are they doing? They are…
Teaching Methods
In order to achieve these teaching objectives, the teacher in this class will adopt Task-based Teaching Method. What’s more, considering the characteristics of learners, the teacher will also adopt Visual Teaching Method by using pictures, to simulate the images in students’ minds. Besides, Cooperative Learning Approach is also highly valued in my lesson because some activities require the students to work in pairs or groups to solve the problem . Finally, to facilitate teaching, I’ll use a PPT, a computer and a blackboard.
Teaching Procedures
Based on the analysis above, my teaching procedures are systematically divided into 3 stages as PPP model works



Stage 1: Presentation---4mins
Step 1: Brainstorming---2mins
By asking the question “what do you do at the weekend?” to get the students brainstorm as many verbs as possible which paves the way for the following part.
Step 2: Lead-in---2mins
By simulating a context where it is eight o’clock, the teacher leads in the structure “ I am reading a newspaper” and the new words like reading a newspaper, using the computer, making soup and washing the dishes.
Stage 2: Practice---20mins
Step 1: Let’s talk---5mins
Each student will have a piece of paper, they ask about the other’s content by using “What are you doing? I’m ...”. Because of the information gap, the students are eager to speak out and know the contents. Then, the teacher gets the students to ask and answer about some pictures by using the structure “what is he/she doing? He/She is…” “what are they doing? They are…” Thus, the structures are practiced.
Step 2: Let’s listen---8mins
    Before listening, the teacher gets the students familiar with the phrases included in the listening text, like talking on the phone, listening to a CD, by asking them to talk about what people are doing in the Happy house. And in section 2a, the teacher asks the students to predict what Steve and Jack are doing according to the pictures. Thus, students may learn to predict before listening.
Step 3: Let’s imitate---5mins
    Students are asked to imitate sentence by sentence in turns and listen to the intonation as well as how people in western countries talk on the phone. Through imitating in turns, the students are able to identify whose pronunciation is the best and get motivated. 
Step 4 Let’s guess---2mins
    The teacher puts some pictures in the PPT. but some parts of the pictures are covered. The teacher divides the class into 5 groups and gets students to guess “What is he/she doing? What are they doing?”. Besides, the teacher will induce the students to use the sentence structure “Is he / she... ? Are they...?” to lay a foundation for the next class.
Stage 3: Production---15mins
Step 1: Let’s make a phone call---10mins
You are calling your mom and tell your mom what you are doing in Chouzhou Park. As students are familiar with Chouzhou Park, they are motivated to talk about it. And it’s much easier to ask students to make a dialogue by filling in the chat. Then let some students come to the front, and try to act it out. Others listen carefully and answer the two questions given by the actors. Competitions between groups can motivate most of the students to speak out and work respectively and cooperatively in the group. This step activates what students learned.
Step 2: Make a report---5mins
Get the students to make a report according to the dialogue they made given. It can not only consolidate what they learned, but also lays a foundation for the writing.
Step 3: Selective homework---1min
    Level A: Write down the report you just made.
    Level B: Now it’s 9:00 pm on Thursday, what are you classmates doing in the classroom? Please write down a report.
Extra step: Let’s chant
    If there is still some time left, the teacher gets the students to sing the songs which serve as a summary. Through singing, the students can understand the -form better.
Blackboard Design
Finally, let’s focus on the last aspect, the blackboard design. First, I will write down the title of this unit in the middle. And then, I will divide the blackboard into 4 parts. In the middle part, I will put down the target language and key words here to make students realize the importance of them and have a deeper memory. And the PPT will hang out on the left. The part next to PPT will be used for free writing and scores of each group will be written on the right.

Blackboard layout 

Unit 6 I’m watching TV


                I’m reading a newspaper
         He is talking on the phone    
                                     They are exercising.
1.      The fun components including pictures, cards and guessing game get the students totally engaged. Meanwhile the key structures are stressed.
2.      Students are successfully motivated to work in groups, they work respectively and cooperatively.
3.      The teaching aim is clear and teaching activity is clearly planned.
4.      Except knowledge in the book, the extended information like “Is he/she...? Are they... ” are added to lay a foundation for the next class. And students have enough time out put what they learned and apply it.  
1.      The teacher should improve the skill of inducing the students to think. May be some body languages are needed.
2.      There is still weakness in using Multimedia devices to increase teaching effect.
3.      The directions made by the teacher should be more simple comments should be more various.

1. 前言 2
2. 背景 2
3. 研究数据和方法 3
3.1 研究数据 3
3.2 研究方法 3
4. 分析 4
5. 讨论与总结 9
参考文献 11
关键字:课堂互动; 阅读;会话分析
1. 前言
2. 背景
本文统计分析了1994-2014年刊登在国内《外语教学》、《外语界》、《外语与外语教学》、《外语教学与研究》、《解放军外国语学院院报》等5种外语核心期刊上,有关英语阅读教学的研究论文共65篇。笔者对上述论文进行认真阅读,和系统的统计。从分析来看,这些研究按研究方法主要可以分为两大类:实证性研究和非实证性研究。其中,非实证性研究主要涉及4各方面,包括:1)如何提高学生英语阅读能力(许迎军,1999,2001;郭军1994;杨小虎,张文鹏,2002;),其主要探究影响学生英语阅读能力的因素和提高阅读能力的理论基础;2)英语阅读教学法的探讨(如寇菊霞,1998;李远方, 2010;李森,2002),学者们主要探讨了英语教学改革的方向,英语教学法如任务型阅读,元认知策略,建构主义方法等,以及课堂教学模式等;3)英语阅读模式的探究(高佑梅,1996;王淼,2011;),学者们简要论述了英语阅读模式的发展现状,以及英语阅读模式理论在课堂中的应用;4)其他,包括英语阅读教材的介绍,英语阅读与其他学科的相关性等,如应惠兰和徐慧芳(2001)年从教师的教学经验出发,探究以学习者为中心的阅读材料的选择。从分析结果看来,非实证性研究教师根自己的教学经历,个人感想等总结出的经验,或者是理论的探寻与分析。
3. 研究数据和方法
3.1 研究数据
本研究的对象是一堂19分钟的初三英语阅读公开课,材料为改编后的课外阅读材料“Was Einstein a space alien?”。这堂课包含了四个教学环节:1)通过问题和图片导入话题“Was Einstein a space alien?”,然后同学们自由发表看法。2)阅读文章,理解文章内容,分析结构,学习重点单词。3)总结归纳文章中给出的观点和证据。4)小组讨论爱因斯坦成功的原因有哪些。活动1)和4)是为了训练学生的辩证性思维,鼓励学生积极发表见解。2)和3)有助于学生理解文章内容并掌握重点词汇,扩大生词量。
3.2 研究方法
本次研究的研究方法采用会话分析。课堂互动是指处于课堂这一特殊环境中的特殊交互作用,主要包括师生互动与生生互动。会话分析的前提是社会情景不是静态的,而是参与者在持续使用语言时产生话语转换,开始和结束,动作的动态过程(Steve Walsh,2011)。因此,会话分析的目的是要通过研究表面上杂乱无章的会话,探讨会话的基本结构,考察会话如何开始、展开以及最终如何结束,揭示会话过程中参与者所必须遵守的潜规(徐江,2007)。在前人研究关于的基础上,Steve Walsh总结出,会话分析法下的课堂互动可以分为四个模式:1)管理模式;2)材料模式;3)技能和系统模式;4)教师情景模式。本文拟对此次课堂中的5个片段进行深入分析,以进一步了解实际课堂中师生互动形式,方法及规律。
4. 分析
片段一是上课刚开始阶段,该片段包含了管理模式(1-10)和材料模式(11)。教师的教学目标是通过一系列互动,引导学生进入话题。在第三行,老师与同学相互问候后,利用自己是早上的最后一堂课的优势问学生们是否感到饥饿,巧妙地引入话题。在第四行,虽然学生们没有回答是否饥饿,但根据学生的反应,可以猜测出绝大部分学生的答案是“yes”。因此,在第五行,教师接着这个话题,用but引出了Steve Jobs 讲过的一句话“Stay hungry, stay foolish”,并得到了学生的回应,显然学生们是知道这句言语的。这不仅激发了学生现有的知识,也为接下来的话题打开了突破口。第八行中老师用请求的语气问学生是否能饿着肚子上课,无形中降低了老师的身份,拉近了与学生的距离。然后很自然的通过“all right”这个过渡词结束了关于“饥饿”的话题。紧接着,教师抛出问题“who is he?”, 学生回答“Einstein”成功地将学生引入今天要学的主题“Was Einstein a space alien?”。为了让学生们关注阅读材料,在第十一行,教师又用了过渡词“so”指向阅读材料。教师采用IRF的形式,先问学生“What will occur to you when Einstein is mentioned?”。学生在老师提问后发表了自己观点,再给予评论。在这个自由发表言论的过程中,老师与学生之间不断地进行话语转换(12-17),不仅为学生提供了开口说英语的机会,也与教学目标——鼓励学生积极发表见解,相契合。
{00:00} 0001 T Good morning, everyone!
{00:02} 0002 L Good morning!
0003 T Thank you! Well, I’m the last one in the morning and you can see(.), I can find many of you must be very hungry now, right? 
{00:09} 0004 L (hh) 
{00:10} 0005 T yes? But you ever heard a very popular saying by Steve Jobs "Stay hungry, 
{00:16} 0006 L [[stay foolish".
{00:16} 0007 T [[stay foolish. 
{00:18} 0008 T So shall we stay hungry for the last twenty minutes in the morning? 
Yes: so you're the best students I have ever met. Allright, so today we don't talk about Steve Jobs, we learn something about(.) another man who is even greater than him, who is he? 
{00:32} 0009 [[Einstein.]
{00:32} 0010 L [[Einstein.]
{00:34} 0011 T So our title is " Was Einstein a space alien?" Ok? So we have these five parts to go and I think we can start our lead-in with some brainstorming. So what will you think of whenever you talk about "Einstein"? Can you tell me? freely. ok? what will you think of whenever you talk about "Einstein"?
{00:54} 0012 L clever= 
{00:54} 0013 T   =clever guy. Anymore? 
{00:57} 0014 L Um, egocentric. 
{00:58} 0015 T Egocentric. Well, good! Very good word, ok? Anymore?
{01:02} 0016 L Humorous= 
{01:03} 0017 T   =He's very humorous, right? Any others?
… … … … …… … … 
除了在lead-in阶段,在教学环节交替点,教师也需要学会巧妙地衔接。如片段二。同样以管理模式为主,但相对于第一个片段,第二个片段中教师与学生的互动显得较为简单。教师与学生的话语转换也很少,表现出教师话语较多,学生话语少的特点。58-61和64-69行中,教师用大量的话语描述了学生要完成的的任务,以及如何完成这项任务。只有在61-62行,教师通过简单问题,引导学生提供信息。 事实上。老师的问题对文章的理解毫无意义,但她通过这简单明显的问题,再一次明确了任务,以及验证学生跟上了自己的思路。一般来说,提问具有两个功能:一是作为“询问”,即要求对方提供与问题相关的信息;二是作为“试探”,看看对方是不是掌握相关信息;如果没有掌握,那么提问者可以告诉对方(李庆生, 孙志勇,2011)。
{03:36} 0058 T yeah. someone got that. OK.
{03:36} 0059   so now let's try to find what does our writer think about that 
{03:40} 0060 let's do some reading and think. 
{03:42} 0061 I think you can find out in our passage with two opinions. 
{03:47} 0062 It can be divided into, all together, how many parts?
{03:52} 0063 L Four parts.
{03:52} 0064 T   Four parts. right? so let's do some skimming and scanning together.
{03:57} 0065 So since the time is limited, I hope you can focus on only part 1. 
{04:00} 0066 and part two. 
{04:01}   0067 so, can you just work in groups(.)all right I divided into two groups, 
so(.) from here you belong to group one ,reading paragraph one to three only.
{04:12}   0068 And you six guys are group two. You will read only paragraph eight 
and nine.
{04:17}   0069 I hope you can read very quickly and find out(.) where there were any 
supporting facts to show whether Einstein was a space alien.
片段三选自阅读过程,教学目标是为了让学生能够理解文章大意,找出信息点,并掌握重点词汇。既从宏观上把控文章内容,又从微观层次解释重点词汇,因此,教师与学生的互动较为复杂,其中包括材料模式(157-163),管理模式(164-165),教室情景模式(167-175)等。之前,教师抛出问题“have you found any sentence to prove that Einstein wasn’t a space alien”,没有人回答,老师便叫了坐在后面的一位男生。在第157行,学生发表自己的意见认为爱因斯坦不是外星人。显然,学生没有给出老师期望中的答案。于是在158行,老师继续追问“why not”。在教师得到期望中的答案后,老师通过重复学生的话,来回应学生的答案,并用了“wonderful”一词,赞扬学生,表明学生的答案是正确的。接着,过渡词“so”将话题转向哈佛大学物理学家的名言,“wouldn’t have done”这个词组就出现在了学生的视线中。在强调单词之前,老师还特地让学生把这几句话读出来,使他们先在语境中感受词汇(160-168)。在第165-167行,老师用英语解释“would have done”时多处停顿,并在举例时以乔布斯为例,为如何使用would have done提供了模板起到了脚手架的作用。以上提及的165及168行的多处停顿与等待学生回答的停顿不同,这里主要是给学生提供充足的时间感受词组形式,理解意义和用法。在教师认为学生已经消化了新学的词组后,教师又通过提问“what do you think”鼓励学生积极表达自己的观点。第170行,学生回答说如果没有乔布斯,这世上可能就没有苹果公司,取而代之的可能是梨或橘子公司,而且使用了“would have done”这个词组。在等待几秒后,学生还是没有讲话,教师猜测学生已经发表完意见,况且教师让学生操练的目的也已经达到,便重复学生的回答来作为回应,并在173行又重复了一遍,也可以推测,老师对学生这样的回答是感到比较震惊的。在第174行,老师又运用“would have done”这个词组,用完整的句型,不同的方式对学生的回答作出回应,进一步强调了词组的用法和重要性。最后,对学生的回答进行了肯定的评价,对学生思维的发散和课堂的积极性有促进作用。这一阶段,教师采用多种模式,顺利地完成了教学目标。
{11:35} 0157 L I don't think he is a space alien. 
{11:38} 0158 T   he wasn't a space alien, why not?
{11:40} 0159 L   (student read the sentence, but cannot be heard clearly)
T   he was just a man of his time, wonderful. so, Albert got a quotation from a Harvard physicist, he said, if Einstein, read it please=[hadn’t been born, the papers]] 
{11:50} 0161 L   =[hadn’t been born, the papers]]
{12:00} 0162 T [would have been written by others]
{12:00} 0163 L [would have been written by others.] 
{12:05} 0164 T right?
{12:05} 0165 So, to imagine something(.) never(.) 
happen or(.) exist in the past, right?
{12:14} 0166 So just now we have talked about Steve Jobs.
{12:17} 0167 So many people miss him greatly and they couldn't help wondering what would have happened if Steve Jobs hadn't been born.
{12:26} 0168 [(2.09)
{12:26} 0169 T [What do you think?
{12:28} 0170 L I suggest that there would have be another company maybe named pear or orange=
{12:29} 0171 (1.64)
{12:35} 0172 T =Pear or orange, right?
{12:36} 0173 No apple but pear or orange.
{12:38} 0174 That would have been another company, yeah good answer, very smart and brilliant.
{12:42} 0175 So you can also imagine after our class to pay some tribute to him, such a great man in America.
片段四是一个复习巩固的过程,整个课堂互动教师采用技能和系统模式。在179行,教师在提问后停顿了一下,见学生没有反应,猜测学生可能没有理解自己的话,于是又重复了一遍,学生于181行得出答案。在一次示范之后,学生们明白了教师的要求。第182-194行,是一个教师展示问题提问,学生回答的一个循环。在完成任务后老师给予评价“very wonderful”向学生们传达出肯定的评价。这个过程的教学目标是为了检验学生们是否掌握了之前所学的知识点。教师不断地重复学生的答案是让学生加深印象。从学生的回答来看,这些知识点被掌握的情况还是不错的。
{12:48} 0176   T OK so now let's do a simple summary to check what we have learned.
{12:52} 0177   Now can you tell me did the writer think(.) Einstein was a space alien?
{12:58} 0178     No, of course not.
{13:00} 0179 he felt(.) I mean Einstein felt
{13:04} 0180 [pressure(.) and responsibility.]
{13:04} 0181 L [pressure and responsibility ]
{13:08} 0182   T And he also had to(.) make
{13:11} 0183 [=ends meet, right?]
{13:11}   0184 L [make ends meet=]
{13:24} 0189   (0.82)
{13:24} 0190   T [strained]
{13:24} 0191 L [strained ]
{13:26}   0192 T relation and some people say without him, his paper 
{13:31}   0193 [would(.) have been(.) written by others.]
{13:31} 0194 L [would have been written by others ]
{13:37} 0195 T Yeah very wonderful.
片段五主要涉及阅读后的讨论环节。教师为了让学生理解“give a fig for”的意思,给学生们播放了一段电影《三傻大闹好莱坞》里面的一段男主反抗校园制度的视频。这部分是视频播放后的环节。老师先对视频做了一定的评价(223-224)来引起学生的兴趣。然后回归对“give a fig for” 的理解上。在老师询问学生是否理解这个词组的意思后,学生没有回答。教师又问“did you give a fig for authority”,实质上是为了再次确认学生是否理解。此时学生给予肯定回答。于是,老师认为学生已经理解,便不再追问。话题一转,又回到之前讨论的问题“how could Einstein made such achievements and what could be the factors”在老师连续三次的追问下(228-230),学生给出了一个简单的回答“no”。这时老师结果学生的话语。试图用学生们都知道的中国获诺贝尔奖的情况来引导学生得出答案,即教师充当脚手架的作用。但由于时间的关系,老师没有给出学生充分的时间思考,只能将这个问题放到课后让学生自己去完成,并提供相应的网站。基于材料,可以看出,教师在这个环节中,教师与学生的互动,以老师说,学生听为主,违背了这个环节设计的激发学生们讨论的热情的教学目标。
{16:20} 0223 T   Is it funny to hear the mixture of both English and Indian?=
{16:24}     0224 =Yeah, a little bit, right?=
{16:26}   0225 =So you see, now you understand what it never give a fig for authority?  
{16:32} 0226 Did you give a fig for authority?=
{16:32} 0027 L =Yes.
{16:34}   0228 T =Yes, all the time, right. OK, so you can discuss the factor, and I 
also have, you can also search in our mind, can you find any Chinese 
scientists who have made such astonishing achievements like Einstein 
in China?
{16:52} 0229 Can you?
{16:54}   0230 Any?
{16:56}   0231 L (2.0)no.
{16:58}   0232 T   No? Never, so let's try to think critically why? why Chinese scientists 
never won the Nobel Price?= 
{17:07}   0233 =You know, the Nobel Price has been awarded to all the Scientists in the world, and China miss that again, why? so try to think critically, and here I also have some websites for your reference, you can do some further reading about such a great super think. OK, all right, thank you for attention, and I thought you are the best students that I have ever met, thank you ,so now the class is over, go for lunch please, OK, you don't have to stay hungry, right, OK, so
{17:36}       0234 See you ,goodbye
{17:38}     0235 L Goodbye
5. 讨论与总结
从以上的分析可以得出,在阅读课教学中,必须把语篇与语篇产生的情景联系起来,才能真正使学生理解语篇,提高其阅读理解能力(张传真,张德禄,1992)。纵观整个教学过程,教师与学生的互动都是围绕某一情景而进行的。贯穿文章的大情景是“was Einstein a space alien?”,其中还包含了许多的子情景,如“stay hungry, stay foolish.”,“ what would have happened if Steve Jobs hadn't been born”等。在自然轻松的课堂气氛中,教师运用不同的会话模式,如在语篇分析过程中,让学生对语篇的部分段落进行分析,或提出问题,让他们通过阅读在一定时间内解决,让学生们不仅学到了知识,还提高了将语篇还原生成情景的能力。
1) 阅读前,课堂互动大致可分为两种。一,为了活跃气氛,激发学生们的兴趣,教师会以一个话题开始,用IRF的形式,即每次问一个问题,学生回答后,给予反馈,再抛出问题。这些问题一般是环环相扣的,目的就是为了引导学生进入阅读话题。在问题的过渡点,会使用较多的过渡词,如“so”,“ok”,“yeah”等。二,为了在课前明确学习任务,或讲解活动细则,教师会将话语权掌控在自己的手里,用较多的语言解释,此时学生开口的机会便减少了。
2) 阅读中,课堂互动方式主要涉及材料模式和技能和系统模式。教师必须以学生正确理解课文为目标。在具体的做法上,强调词在句子中的作用,句子在段落中的作用,段落在全文中的作用,以及全文所起的作用(朱永生,1994)。对课文内容的理解有很大部分是可以通过设计一些课堂活动或提问让学生自己去完成的(赵晓红,1998)。因此,阅读过程可以大致分为两块内容:课文和练习。前者侧重理解,后者侧重运用。在语篇理解时,为了对课文的主要思想、语篇结构、体裁及作者的观点和态度的理解,老师会设计一系列的问题逐步地引导学生寻找出文章中的信息。值得注意的是,为了达到对整个语篇的真正理解,单词的讲解也是很重要的。如本堂课中教师对“would have done”的解释,运用了重复,举例等方法。2)练习。往往在完成阅读时,为了让学生掌握所学的知识点,教师师会设置复习和巩固的环节。练习的形式有填空,选择,判断等形式。教师多采用展示问题和正确答案的方式。因为这样的做法时间消耗少,效率高。
3) 阅读的最后一步一般是将语篇理解提升到情感共鸣的过程。阅读不仅涉及身体的适应活动、注意力及理解,还涉及回忆、思索及应用所读的内容。阅读过程中形成的反馈转而影响情绪的组成因素。即阅读过程中要把读者(和作者)的知识,个人经历,主管态度,及情感考虑进去。教师在这一环节会根据文本设计一个符合学生实际的情景,并组织讨论,角色扮演等,目

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