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在线播放:《I'm more outgoing than my sister》江西严丽娟_2016年第十届


《I'm more outgoing than my sister》江西严丽娟_2016年第十届



视频课题:《I'm more outgoing than my sister》江西严丽娟_2016年第十届

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教八年级《Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister Section B (3a-3c)》15江西省上饶县第七中学严丽娟_2016年第十届全国初中英语教师基本功大赛说课大赛视频(附课件)

1.Dear ladies and gentlemen ,
  Good morning ! I am so honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach writing here . At first , please allowed me to introduce myself . My name is Yan Lijuan , an English teacher from No. 7 Middle School in Shangrao County , Jiangxi Province . The topic today is taken from Go for it English Students’ Book 2A Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section B 3a - 3c .
2.The writing topic is my best friends .
3.I ‘d like to explain my lecture from 5 sections , the analysis of the teaching material , the students , the teaching methods , teaching procedure and the blackboard writing lay-out .
 4.First I want to say sth. About the status and Function in Analysis of the teaching material . It’s the most important part of this unit to write a composition using the target language comparatives and conj.s just like but and so on . The function is talking about personal traits .
 Second , The knowledge goal is to recall the key vocabulary especially description words and sentence structures comparing people . Train the students listening , speaking and writing ability . Here we also want to attract our students’ attention to communication through writing . Thank our best friends for making the life more wonderful  . Guide them to work together . These are teaching objectives .
Third , the key point is using the language goal to write a composition my best friends .  Writing a good composition with comparatives and conj.s is the difficulty .
5. And then , the analysis of the students . They are creative and active in learning English although they are under too much pressure at school . They have mastered some description words with comparatives , they are poor at writing without teaching and help .
6. Next I’d like to tell sth. About the teaching method . I WANT to use the task-based approach , communicative teaching and mind map to make my class effective . And also I want them to use the cooperative learning ,individual writing , groupwork and pk to write better .
7. After that, we come to the most important part , the analysis of the teaching procedure . I’d like to talk about this section in 4 steps : pre-writing , while- writing , post - writing and homework .
8. As for pre-writing , I use a cartoon named The Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf to lead in the writing class at first . The cartoon was very popular when the students were very young , I’m sure they ‘ll like it . It will attract the students’ attention and remind them of their beautiful memory from the childhood . There are also so many different characters in the cartoon like the pleasant goat , the beautiful lamb , the little grey and etc . They all have absolutely different personalities and appearances . Ok , let’s enjoy it together .
9. After watching the video , let the students have a pk named brainstorm . Make the students use different description words to describe the different characters such as xi yangyang is so clever , Mei Yangyang is beautiful and so on . PK will go on .
10.Here I’ d like to use the competition to encourage the students to show their creative ideas and practice their spoken English in 2 minutes . In fact , I really want them to recall the key vocabulary we learned this unit and before . The more description words , the better for writing . At the end of the pk ,the group that has got the most creative answers will get one star , as we know , the good friends around us like the shining stars that can light our life .
11. And then , I ‘d like to do sth. Creative for presentation of 3a , I changed to language material into video with words , the 2 best friends Wang Lingling and Liu Lili spoke out the differences and similarities between them on the screen , let’s enjoy it .
12. By playing the VCR , it can foster the students’ listening and memory .
13. After watching it , let them have a discussion about how to tell the differences and similarities with different sentence structures according to 3a on page 23 in 2 minutes .
14. Here is another competition .
15. Groupwork to see which team has the most creative answers , 1 round 1 star . If there’s sth. different or new , encourage them immediately with stars . This part I want them to recall the key sentence structures comparing people .
16. After that , I use two big circles matching to make a summary on the PPT to present the main content of 3a , ask the students to retell the main part of writing orally . I’m sure that they can understand how to write the body easily .
17. And then show them an outline of the writing mind map to let them know a good passage needs not only a good main part , but also a good beginning with topic sentences and an excellent ending with something special or moving .
18. At the end of the preparation of the writing , give the students a model composition, let them read aloud to get the main idea of writing my best friends and help overcome the nervous feeling about how to write it , especially for the students who are not good at English learning .
  19. Then while-writing , ask the students to take out the writing cases choose any task to write in 7 minutes with gentle piano music . I will walk around the classroom to offer help if necessary .
 20. And next we go into the most exciting round after writing . First , exchange the work to each other in groups and correct in blue in 2 minutes , circle the mistakes and correct them ,underline some useful words and expressions . Then recommend the best one in 1 minute . After that , let them exchange their top work to another group and correct in red according to the requirements in 3 minutes , give a score by discussing . Finally , it’s the show time , choose some volunteers to remark on it ,say sth. about the work . Encourage them to speak English as much as possible . At the same time , encourage the listeners to listen carefully to express different opinions.  This is the 3rd PK .
21. 22. IN a word , the competitions make our class more creative and exciting . At the end of the PK , I ‘ll share my experience and feeling about my best friends with my dear students by making a summary about PK results .
23. And also I ‘d like to assign students’ homework . Rewrite the composition about my best friends with the help of the corrections and send it to the school radio station ,and upload the work to www. jxyyjx. com . The popular English Learning website was set up by Mr. Wang Jianhua in teaching and research section in Shangrao County Jiangxi Province .
24. Finally , the blackboard lay-out is very important , too . I use one chart to fill in with the description words in the 1st PK .
25.  And here is the mind map of different sentence structures about the differences and the similarities.
26. The 3rd part is used to take down the pk results . He who got the most stars will get the mysterious prize after class.
27. That is all for my lecture  . Thank you very much for listening .   

Unit 3  I am more outgoing than my sister.
                 Section B 3a-3c
         My best friends


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