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Unit 4 We love animals part A let's learn湖北省 - 宜昌

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视频课题:Unit 4 We love animals part A let's learn湖北省 - 宜昌

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Unit 4 We love animals part A let's learn湖北省 - 宜昌

A  Teaching  Plan

Teaching Contents:Book I Unit Four  Part B Let’s learn & Let’s do
Teaching Analysis:
1.     Teaching contents analysis:
本单元主要围绕动物展开,要求学生能够熟练掌握生活中常见的一些小动物的英语表达,并表达自己对动物的喜爱之情。本课时是PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 We love animals第四课时, 通过动物园场景呈现了要学习的5个动物单词:panda, bird, tiger, elephant, monkey,以及句型What’s that? It’s a/an…其中单词panda和句型已经在第三课初步呈现过,学生学习起来不会感到陌生。Let’s do 部分可以利用动物的形体动作(TPR教学法)使课堂学习更生动直观,让学生在做中习得语言。  
2.     Students analysis:    
三年级的学生为初学者,在刚刚接触英语学习不到三个月的时间,英语功底较薄弱。但与此同时,也有少部分同学在校外英语班已经学习了本单元的大部分单词,但也仅仅只是零碎的单词片段。因此,要充分尊重学情,力争让人人都有发展,调动每个孩子的参与热情,激发其学习积极性和兴趣是关键所在。而animals 也是孩子们的最爱,结合新课程标准及英语课程的总体目标我将本课时目标及重难点设计如下。
Teaching Aims:
1.To be able to listen and read the following new words: panda, elephant, bird, tiger, monkey.
2.To be able to understand and do the actions: Act like a bird/tiger/ monkey/panda/ an elephant.
3.To be able to use I like….this sentence.
4.To be able to ask and answer: What’s that? It’s a….
Teaching emphasis:
1.To be able to learn the new words:panda, elephant, bird, tiger, monkey.
2.To be able to ask and answer: What’s that? It’s a….
Teaching tools:
Teacher: cards, CAI, headdresses of different animals.
Students: animal headdress they want to act.
Teaching Steps:
Step I.Warm-up/Revision
a. Greetings with students.
b. Sing a song: Let’s go to the zoo. And then say: What animals do you like ? Students try to answer: I like the…
S1: I like the dog.
S2: I like the rabbit.
T: You all like animals. You are so kind. Do you want to see them?
c. Free talk about animals: Go to Yichang zoo to see animals. Mike and his sister are coming too. Because there are 2 circus here.
d. Guess and answer: What animals can they see in the circus?
S1: They can see a dog.
S2:They can see a cat.
S3: They can see a giraffe.
T:Maybe you are right. Let’s go with Mike and his sister to circus A.
Step2. Presentation
1.Watch and answer: What animals do they see in Circus A? Students watch the video. Ask one to answer it.
2. Watch again, repeat the sentences, check the answer. and then circle the right pictures. Use the sentences when check the answer:
T:What’s this?
Students: It’s a….
T: Do you like it?
Students: Yes. I like it. It’s….
3.Let’s learn: What’s that? It’s a…to revise the animal words they’ve learned. Teach and practice the new word panda pan-da panda. when necessary. Present a red flag and tell them: Panda is from China.
T: Do you like the panda?
Students: Yes. Very much.
T: panda is from China. We can see many pandas in Sichuan, yes or no?
Ss: Yes. We can.
T: Good. We like the animals from circus A.
T: How are about the animals in Circus B? Let's go and have a look.
4.Listen and answer: What animals do they see in Circus B? Ask one to answer.
Students do group work and discuss the answer.
T:Maybe it's a little difficult for you. These pictures can help you find the answer. Let’s listen again and choose the animals’ pictures.
5.Listen again and choose the right pictures. Students answer and then check them.
Students do group work.
Then check the answer.
Then sum up: They can see a….
6.Let’s learn: Present and teach the four new words. Use sentences: What’s that? It’s a/an….I like it. Act like a…. Do actions to read and practice them.
T: We can ask like this: What’s that? Spell the sentence on the blackboard and read follow the teacher.
Point and practice group by group.
Practice between boys and girls.
Practice one by one.
Then ask some students to the front and do actions and say: Act like a dog/panda/tiger/bird. Act like an elephant.
When the teachers teaches the word tiger, ask and tell them like following:
T: Do you like the tiger?
Students: Yes. We do.
T: Me too. But can I hug the tiger?
Students: No.
T: You are right. We like the tigers, but they are very dangerous. We must keep away from the tigers.
7.Sum up and pay attention: It’s a/an….
T: We can say it's a panda . It's a bird. It's a tiger.
But we must say it's an elephant.
Step3. Practice.
1.Let’s talk: What’s that? Listen to the sound and answer. Present the dialogue.
2.Practice the dialogue with students.
A: What's that?
B: It's a tiger.
A: Yes. It's a funny tiger. I like it.
Present with one student first.
Then practice between teacher and the students.
Last, do pair work and act it out.
(学中用 用中学,语言支架反复构建,操练不再是毫无意义的机械重复,而是生动鲜活的语用环境。)
Step4.Consolidation and extension.
1.let’s talk: Listen to the sound and talk about the animals. make a extension about the dialogue.
2. Choose and say: Choose an animal and do pair work to talk about it.
3. Act their dialogue out.
4.Mini circus show with one or two students to give them a model.
5.Do group work and make their mine circus.
6.Act their mini circus out.
S1:  Hello. Zhang.
S2:  Hello. Yang and Li.
S3:  Today is Sunday. Let’s go to the zoo together.
S1,2:  OK. Let’s  go.
S3:  Look. What’s that?
S1: It’s a tiger.
S2: Yes. It’s a funny tiger. I like it.(Throw a banana to the tiger)
S3: Stop. Don’t  feed the animals.
S2: Sorry. I won’t.
S1: Oh. It’s five o’clock. Let’s go home.
S2,3: Let’s go.Goodbye.
7.Students choose the best performance group, the best cooperation group and the speak most fluently group. Then give each group a cup.
8. Count the animals they have got in this class. Try to give a report: I have ___ dogs/tigers and so on if time is enough.
9. Let’s do: Act like a….Students do follow the video to end the class.
T: boys and girls, let's stand up and do actions follow Mike and his friends.
Students stand up and do actions.
T: So much for this class. Goodbye.
(展示自己的课堂成果,也与学习内容紧密关联,孩子有极大的成就感;最后在律动中再次巩固总结复习本课时的学习内容:Act like a….快乐结束本课时的学习之旅。)

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