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在线播放:小学英语译林版三年级上册Unit 7 Would you like a pie (story time) 常州市实验小学

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小学英语译林版三年级上册Unit 7 Would you like a pie (story time) 常州市实验小学

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小学英语译林版三年级上册Unit 7 Would you like a pie (story time) 常州市实验小学

1. 能听懂、会说和会读句型与日常用语:Would you like ...? Yes, please./ No, thanks
                        What about...?
2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇egg, cake, pie, sweet, hot dog.
3. 能学会怎么和自己的朋友分享食物,懂得分享,学会关爱。
1. 能听懂、会说和会读句型与日常用语:Would you like ...? Yes, please./ No, thanks
                        What about...?
2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇egg, cake, pie, sweet, hot dog.
3. 能学会怎么和自己的朋友分享食物,懂得分享,学会关爱。
1. I’m your new teacher. My name is paddy.
 What’s my name?  Paddy
 What’s your name?
Are you…? No, I’m not.  Who’s ... ? She’s/ He’s …  Nice to meet you,
 Who’s your friend? He’s … He’s my friend.  I see.  Nice to meet you.
 Read after me “ Nice to meet you”
 T: Nice to meet you, class.  Nice to meet you, boys. Nice to meet you, girls.
2. I’m glad to know some of your friend. And My friends are coming here, too.
T: Look, she’s my friend…
What can you say to my friend?
3. Look, there are some guest teachers here, too. What can you say to them?
 Let’s say… together.
活动2【讲授】New teacing
1. I’m very happy to see my friends today, and Here come your friends from the text book.
 Who can you see? I can see …
 What are they doing? Guess.
2. Yes, they are having a picnic today. And they take some nice food here.
  At this moment, A new friend is coming. Who are they?  Mike and his sister Helen.
  What will they say to Helen?
So the new friend is coming. Let’s have a picnic together.
What can you see on the mat?
Egg  eggs are good. Do you eat an egg every day?
Cake  cakes are nice. I often eat daxilai cake. What about you?
Sweet Don’t eat too much. Sweets are yummy. My daughter likes sweets very much.
Pie  what pie do you know? Apple pie  Pumpkin pie  Egg pie
Hot dog  it’s yummy.
Please read after me  大小声
3. Well done. Let’s play games now. Quick response. 
4. Look, They are having a picnic today. And they’re talking about some food.
 Let’s listen to their dialogue. And tell me What food are they talking about?
 Yes, they aretalking about the pie and the cake And what food would Helen like?
 Then let’s watch the vidio and find the answer.
5. Waa, I think Helen likes cakes very much. And today I’ve got some cakes here.
Would you like a cake, too? Yes, please.
 Learn “Yes, please.”  Learn “please”  Oh, it seems you all like cakes.
If you don’t want a cake. You can say “No, thank you” 
 Would you like a pie? Would you like a sweet? Would you like a hotdog?
 Can you ask me? Would you like a …, paddy?
 S1: Would you like a ..? T: Yes, please.
 S2: Would you like a …?  T: No, thank you.
Can you ask your deskmate? Would you like a …?
 And we can make it into a chant..
 Please listen   T: Would you like a pie?  Oh, yes, please.
                T: Would you like a cake? Oh, no, thank you.
T: Would you like a sweet?  S: Oh, yes, please.
T: Would you like a hot dog? S: Oh, No thank you.
Can you ask me? S:  T:
Ask your friend S1:  S2:
6. What about a sweet? Learn “what about”
 T: What about…?  S: Yes, …   S1:  S2:
7.Let’s make a big chant. Look at the screen.
 Model   Work in pairs.
8. Today we learned Unit 7  Would you like a pie?
  Read the title.
9. Open your book. Read after the tape.   Read it together.  Read it in role分角色朗读
10. Hello class. Look at my food. Would you like a …?
                               What about…
11. You take some nice food,too. Would you like to share your food with your friend?
12. Look at the guest teachers. Would you like to share your food with them?
   Take your food and treat them.
13.Thank you class. Are you happy today? Yes, we are.
   At the end, Let’s remember this sentence “We study , we share”  “We play we share.”

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