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译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean苏州市吴中区

视频标签:Keep our,city clean


视频课题:译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean苏州市吴中区

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译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean苏州市吴中区郭巷实验小学

1. 能理解、掌握对话内容,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并初步表演对话。
2. 能正确运用日常交际用语:What makes our city dirty?  …make(s)…
                          What can we do to keep our city clean?  We can …
3. 能听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:keep, make, clean, dirty, rubbish, dead, move…away from…, put…in…, plant more trees
1. 能正确、流利地朗读课文,整体理解语篇。
2. 能灵活运用所学词汇和句型谈论城市的环境问题。
重点:能理解课文内容,能正确运用句型:What makes our city dirty? …make(s)…  What can we do to keep our city clean?  We can … 进行问答。
活动1【导入】一:Pre-task Preparation (10 minutes)
1. Greetings.
T greets with the Ss as usual: Good morning, boys and girls.
2.  Play a game.
T presents some pictures on PPT, let the Ss try to ask a question according to the pictures. →(What did Miss Li do last Saturday?)
3.  Review the signs.
①After giving some other pictures, let the Ss try to get the answer. →Miss Li watched a film.
②T tells the Ss, in the cinema, Miss Li saw some signs. Invite the Ss to review the signs together. And while reviewing, teach something new.
No littering → teach the new word ‘rubbish’
No smoking → teach the new meaning of the word ‘smoke’, and lead out the phrases ‘smoke from cars’ ‘black smoke from factories’
4.  Watch the film
①Let the Ss watch the film that Miss Li watched last Saturday and lead out the sentence ‘Keep the water clean!’
②We study at school, so we should keep our school clean.
  We live in Su Zhou, so we should keep our city clean.
活动2【讲授】二:While-task Procedures (20 minutes)
1. Watch and choose
①  Let the Ss watch the video of U6 and try to find out ‘How is the city?’
A: clean and tidy     B: dirty and messy
teach the new words ‘dirty ’ (thirty→ dirty)  ‘messy’(me/ssy)
2. Listen and tick
  Guide the students to find the cause of the mess city. Let the Ss listen to the dialogues on page58 and try to find out ‘What makes our city dirty and messy?’
①→ smoke from cars
②→ Black smoke from factories
③→ Rubbish
1. Read and say
①Let the Ss read the dialogues on page 58 and try to talk in details.
What makes the air/streets/river dirty?
( hair/chair→air )( Air is something everybody needs. We can’t see it. We can’t catch it. But we really need it.)
②Guide the Ss to express the cause of the mess city using the sentence pattern “         makes             dirty.”
2. Watch and understand
①Invite the Ss to have a look at the pollution in our city. And think about the results they’ve brought for us.
The air is dirty→air pollution
The streets are dirty→land pollution 
The river is dirty→water pollution
∟ “What do they bring us?”
More and more plants and trees are dead.
More and more animals are dead.
As for our people, we’ve got more and more disease.
And every year, more and more people are dead because of the pollution.
→teach the word ‘dead’ naturally.
②Let the Ss try to think about what we can do to save our environment.
3. Read and underline
Let the Ss read the dialogues on page59 in groups of five and underline the suggestions the Ss have.
∟take the bus and the metro to school
  walk to school
  move some factories away from our city
  put rubbish in the bin
  plant more trees
→PPT present some pictures to help the Ss understand the phrases.
1. Listen and repeat
Invite the Ss to read the text sentence by sentence.
★Change the way of reading together, let the Ss listen carefully and try to repeat, if they think it's an easy sentence, they can read just one time; if they think it's a difficult one, they should read more.
2. Read in roles
Invite the Ss to read in roles.
3. Retell the text.
①Let the Ss close the books and just look at the blackboard, and try to retell the text together with T.
②Divide the retelling into two parts. And then invite the Ss to choose one part to have a try. Encourage the Ss to use their own language or more words to retell the text.
Practice in pairs. → Have a performance.
活动3【活动】三.Post-task Activities (10 minutes)
1. Think and judge.
Lead the Ss think it over and try to judge the pictures whether they are the correct ways of protecting the environment or the wrong ways.
◆Module education:
To keep our city clean and tidy we can do so many things. But we can’t do those things.
2. Give some suggestions.
①Invite the Ss to take out the leaf paper and try to write down their own suggestions.
②Share the suggestions. (Tell the suggestions to someone else and then stick it onto the blackboard.)
(引导学生用所学句型We can…/ We can’t…在树叶形的小纸片上写下自己对于保护城市环境的建议,并在分享建议后将小树叶粘贴到黑板上去。原本黑板上那棵光秃秃的树在小树叶的装饰下变得郁郁葱葱,这也让学生感受到了自己努力带来的快乐。)
3. Module education:
Better city, better life! We should start from now. Start from me!
1. Design a poster.
  (The topic may be: Keep the school clean! Keep the park clean! …)
2. Use your own way to advertise the poster!

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Keep our,city clean”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean苏州市吴中区”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean苏州市吴中区”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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