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译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean江苏省 - 昆山

视频标签:Keep our,city clean


视频课题:译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean江苏省 - 昆山

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译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean江苏省 - 昆山

1. 复习story  time
2. 能听说读写下列词汇:clean, dirty,  bins, a factory, rubbish, smoke
3.学生能熟练运用:What makes the air dirty? …make(s)…dirty/clean….
What can we do to keep … clean? We can …等重点句型。
4. 通过演讲等活动,提升学生的综合语言运用能力。
1. 单词clean, make, smoke,学生已经学过,但在本单元意思不同,高年级应让学生关注英语中一词多义的情况,尤其要培养学生根据上下文猜测词义的能力。
2. 六年级的学生对环保这个话题并不陌生,他们已经通过各种渠道,如其它课程,媒体等对污染原因和环保的重要性,方法都有所了解,关键是他们通过本单元的学习学会如何用英文表达,也使环保意识进一步得以增强。
3. 本课句子的意思不难理解,但是句子都比较长,如何引导学生正确停顿,将意思表达明晰,是朗读指导时的重点。
1. 复习story  time
2. 能听说读写下列词汇:clean, dirty,  bins, a factory, rubbish, smoke
3.学生能熟练运用:What makes the air dirty? …make(s)…dirty/clean….
What can we do to keep … clean? We can …等重点句型。
活动1【导入】Step 1 Warming-up
Good afternoon, boys and girls. Today, we will go on learning Unit 6 Keep our city clean.
In this class, we have 3 learning aims:1.We know how to keep our city clean. 2.We can use “make”, “keep” and “can”. 3. We can give a speech fluently.
First, let’s play a game------ I say, you say. Ready? Go!
活动2【讲授】Step2 Revision and grammar time
Let’s review these words.
Clean,dirty,bins, a factory, rubbish, smoke
Let’s read and spell together.
Review story time.
Talk about the air
Look at the pictures. The ___is dirty.
Read: the air
T: What makes the air dirty?
S1: Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.
S2: Smoke from factories makes the air dirty.
T: We can also say: Smoke makes the air dirty.
Pay attention: The subject of the phrase “smoke from cars” is “smoke”. The subject of the phrase “smoke from factories” is also “smoke”. So try to remember to use the verb “makes”.
2)About the streets.
T:Look at picture 2. Try to say.
S: The streets are messy and dirty.
T: Yes, you’re right. The streets are messy and dirty.
   Who’d like to ask a question about the streets?
S:What makes the streets messy and dirty?
T: Good! Let’s read the question together! Who can answer?
S: Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty.
3) About the river.
T: Look at the picture 3. Have a try!
S: The river is dirty. The fish are dead.
T: Now I have 2 questions for you. Practise in 2, ask and answer.
Q1: What makes the river dirty?
Q2: What makes the fish dead?
T: Well done, class!
4)Grammar time I 
1.T: Let’s read the 4 sentences together.
Look at the verbs ,the nouns and the adjectives. What can you find ?
1). What 作为疑问词看作是单数,所以动词make要使用   第三人称单数形式。2). smoke 和rubbish都是不可数名词。一般现在时的肯定句中,主语是不可数名词,谓语动词也用第三人称单数形式。3). make 的意思有很多,做,制作,制造,整理,获得等,  在本单元中的意思是“使……变得”   make+sth./ sb.+形容词 。
2. Do exercises.
3. Review the story II
1)T: We know the air is dirty. Smoke makes the air dirty. What can we do to keep the air clean?(贴板书)
S: We can…
  We can’t…
T: Now try to retell the picture like this.
To keep the streets clean, what can we do ?  (read)
We can also say: what should we do?  (read)
Practice in 2. Ask and answer.
T: Now it’s your turn to say something about picture 3. Practice by yourself.
2) Grammar time II
a. Read the sentences together.
b.learning tips
c. Do exercises.
T: Better city,better life. Let’s try our best to make our city more and more beautiful. Shall we?
活动3【活动】Step 3 Make a poster and give a speech.
T: Look! This is our beautiful school. This is the beauty of our school. I love my school. Do you love your school? Practice in groups.
S: I love my school. It’s … There are…
T: But there are still some problems. Sometimes it is not clean .It is dirty. Look. There’s some rubbish on the grass. There’s some rubbish on the playground too. The classroom is messy. Are there any problems? Try.
S1: The classroom sometimes is messy….
S2:There is some rubbish in the playground…
T: What can we do to keep our school clean?
T: Here is a dialogue for you. Practice in 2.
T: How to tell others our ideas? We can make a poster. Here are some posters. Let’s enjoy. We can also give a speech. Listen ! I have a speech for you.
T: How to give a speech? Look! We can give a speech in 4 parts. First, talk about the beauty of our school. Next, show the problems. Then,give some advices. Finally, encourage people to try best.
Now, it’s your turn. Try to give a speech follow the model. If you can give a speech,you can get 1 star. If you can give a speech fluently, you can get 2 stars. If you can give a speech with actions and expressions, you can get 3 stars.
Good morning, everyone!
I love my school. It’s          . There are                       .But sometimes                 . And               How to keep our school clean? We can____________. We also can                     .
T: Who’d like to give a speech first? Come on, everybody! 
T: Boys and girls, you are all good speechers. Now ,let’s enjoy a video to end our lesson.
S: (watch a video)
活动4【作业】Step 4.  Homework.
1.Try to give a speech and make it perfect.
2. Do the Workbook (Unit 6  Period 2).
3.Copy new word 4 times each. 

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