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译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean江苏省 - 苏州

视频标签:Keep our,city clean


视频课题:译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean江苏省 - 苏州

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译林英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean江苏省 - 苏州

Knowledge goals:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
Sing the English song.
Know how to use rising and falling intonation.
Understand and act the story in cartoon time.
Ability goals:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
1. Act out the story
2. Use the intonation to read the sentence correctly.
3. Sing the song beautifully.
Moral goals:
Students should understand how to keep our city clean. What can we do to keep our city clean.
Teaching focal points:
Retell and act cartoon time.
Make sure that students know : love our city, love the animals.
Students can use the intonation correctly.
Teaching difficult points:
Retell and act cartoon time.
1.Show time
T: Last lesson, you made a beautiful poster, can you show it to us? (复习上一课的fun time,让孩子们在上一节课的基础上,把自己的海报做得更漂亮,并能用)
2. Let the students show their posters, after showing, ask others: What do they do ?(为了让孩子们学会倾听,此处,除了展示的孩子需要来介绍自己的海报,其他学生需要认真的倾听,来回答老师的一些问题。)
活动2【导入】Song time
1.Show them some animal friends:
T: You did a good job. I think the park will be very beautiful. Our city will be very beautiful , too. And you will find many animal friends in the park in our city.  Let’s make friends with the animal, OK?(通过制作海报,老师带领着孩子们想象我们的环境会越来越好,城市将越来越美丽。我们就能见到许多小动物,从而引出了的英语歌曲中的两只小鸟和Cartoon time里的Bobby, Tina and Billy。把后面的两部分有效的串联了起来。)
T: Look, here are the two little blackbirds. Who are they?
S: One named Jack and one named Jill.(板书)(在第一课时中,利用两只鸟来引出的课文,所以孩子们已经认识这两只鸟)
2.Sing the English song together.
3.Change the words about the song.(板书贴上Tina 和Bobby的图片)
Two little lovely mice walking in the street.
One named  Bobby and one named Tina. 
Run away, Bobby. Run away, Tina.       
Come back, Bobby and come back ,Tina.
Two little lovely mice walking in the street.
One named Bobby and one named Tina.
根据原来的英语歌曲,改编其中的歌词,使得歌曲是关于Cartoon time 的两个小动物,从而轻松的从第一环节的英语歌曲过渡到第二环节的Cartoon time。
活动3【讲授】Cartoon time
1.Look Tina and Bobby are our animal friends.(从新编歌曲导入)
2.T:We have another animal friends, who is he?(Listen to Billy’s voice and let the students guess?)(录音中放Billy摔倒时的惨叫声)
S: Oh, it’s Billy.
Show them the picture about Billy and ask: What’s the matter? S:He hurts his leg.
Show them the picture and ask: What happens? Teach the sentence: He slips on the banana skin and falls. Students act and say the sentence.(板书)
把Cartoon time的第三张图片展示给学生看)
3.Ask the students: What do you want to know about it?(让学生根据Billy 在香蕉皮上滑到来问问题,你还想知道些什么,来锻炼孩子们的发散性思维)
S1: Who throws the banana skin?
S2: Where is the banana skin?
4.Show them the cartoon time and ask: Who throws the banana skin?
T: I will show you the story and tell you the answer: Who throws a banana skin?(学生看cartoon time的动画片)
Students answer the questions, and learn the phrase: throw a banana skin.
5.Open their books and read the text by themselves , then find out the key phrases:(板书)
T: What happens? Please read the story by yourselves and find the key phrases to answer the question.
eat a banana-throw a banana skin
slip on the banana skin and fall-go to hospital
6. Look at the key words and try to answer: What happens?(根据板书回答)
S:Bobby likes eating bananas. He eats one and throws the banana skin on the floor. Billy slips on the banana skin and falls.
7. Listen and imitate.(指导朗读,学生先读,再跟录音比较,再读,标注升调和降调)
8. Let’s dub the story
9. Read it in roles.
10. Try to act the dialogues.
11. Let the students say Tina’s and Billy’s suggestions. Then try to say their own suggestions to Billy: Bobby, you should/shouldn’t…(让学生发散性的来说说对Billy的建议,在生活中也能对不文明的事情说不,自己能做到,并能提醒他人。)
1.T: Look, Bobby is sorry about it. He wants to be Billy’s friend. Let’s ask Billy: Is Bobby your friend now?
Let them listen to Billy: I have a question. Do you throw rubbish on the floor now?
T: Can you repeat Billy’s question? (Show them the rising intonation)
Then listen to Bobby’s answer.
Bobby: No, I don’t’ . I put my rubbish in the bin.(Show them the falling intonation)(教育学生要学会原谅别人,给别人改过的机会)
2.T: I have a question to you: Can we keep our city clean?
S: Yes, we can. We can put our rubbish in the bin.
 Read the sentence again and pay attention to the intonation.(通过老师对本堂课的总结提问,把sound time 的后面三句话有效的出示出来,并同时对语调进行了示范。)
3.Show them a picture and read the sentences:
Do you throw your dirty clothes on the bed?
No, I don’t. I put my dirty clothes in the washing machine.
Can we keep our bedroom clean?
Yes, we can. We can put our rubbish in the bin.(Show them: To keep our city clean, we should start from ourselves)(教育学生,保护我们的城市,我们要从自己做起)
Let the students find the rules.( (tip:一般疑问句句末通常用升调,陈述句句末通常用降调)
4.T: Now, we have a lot of animal friends. And our city will be more beautiful.
(Show them the picture: Love our city, love the animals.)(爱护我们的城市,爱护我们的小动物)
1.Change the words of the song and make a new song.(改编一首新歌)
2.Read the intonation and pay attention the falling and rising intonation.
3.Tell the story in cartoon time to your friends and try to keep our city clean.
4.Preview Checkout time.

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