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在线播放:人教版八年级上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B (3a-4) 安徽省 - 阜阳

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人教版八年级上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B (3a-4) 安徽省 - 阜阳

视频标签:watch a game


视频课题:人教版八年级上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B (3a-4) 安徽省 - 阜阳

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人教版八年级上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B (3a-4) 安徽省 - 阜阳

Be able to express one’s own ideas about different TV shows ;
Be able to build a structure of a passage in the mind ;
Be able to write a movie review with the help of the structure.
Students in Grade 8 have already mastered some vocabulary and have the abilities of writing articles in English according to the topics they have learned in the unit , and this is the last period of the unit , so i want to teach Ss how to build a structure of an article and how to write the whole article .
Four procedures to achieve the aims 
Ⅰ, Lead-in & Review
      Teacher’s role              Students’ roles
( to lead, to ask , to praise )    ( to watch, to enjoy , to express )
Review different TV shows learned in this unit by watching a short video and guide students to express their own ideas to different programs.
Ⅱ,  Learn & Put-in
Teacher’s role              Students’ roles
( to guide, to explain )   ( to understand , to master )   
Fill in the blanks in 3a, then read freely and loudly to put in some information about the movie review . Instruct students how to build a structure of a passage with 3a.
Topic sentence             Head
                                               Body the whole passage
Ending sentence             Ending
Ⅲ,  Imitate & Write
Teacher’s role             Students’ roles
( to walk around, to help )   ( to think , to write )   
Imitate 3a and fill in the table in 3b after watching a short movie named Tom and Jerry . Then build a structure of a movie review like a house and finally write the passage by themselves.
Ⅳ,  Show & Share
Teacher’s role             Students’ roles
( to praise , to encourage, to check )   ( to read , to show, to share )   
Encourage students to present their movie review on the whiteboard and learn to share and learn from each other.

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