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在线播放:湖北好课堂新课标高一英语必修4第五课时Unit4 Body Language--Speaking and Reading黄石

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湖北好课堂新课标高一英语必修4第五课时Unit4 Body Language--Speaking and Reading黄石

视频标签:Body Languag,湖北好课堂


视频课题:湖北好课堂新课标高一英语必修4第五课时Unit4 Body Language--Speaking and Reading黄石

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湖北好课堂新课标高一英语必修4第五课时Unit4 Body Language--Speaking and Reading黄石市第三中学肖芳


教学课题 SEFC Book4, Unit 4 Body Language Speaking & Reading
课程类型 Speaking & Reading 授课地点 黄石市第三中学
Teaching Objectives
  1. Students will know the importance of body language by knowing the great role it plays in real life communication.
  2. Students will have a better understanding towards body language and the meaning of some body language that usually seen by watching, describing others’ body language and their own practicing.
  3. Students will know that some body language has different meanings under different cultural context and that people from different cultures have quite different customs by teacher’s presentation, their own playing and presentation, which can provide them a good foundation for their understanding of the reading part and improving their reading, analyzing and speaking abilities.

Analysis For Students
  1. Analysis On the Students Cognitive Features
This unit is in Book 4, which is a book of senior middle school English for students
of grade one aged around 16. Their thinking pattern is still in the process of transition
from relying mainly on experience to induction and analysis. When they are
learning abstract ideas like the importance or the concept of something, they would like
to step from their perceptual stage of cognition and experiences. Thus when the teacher
is presenting the importance and the concept of body language in this part, he should
lay great emphasis on the related knowledge the students already have stored in their
mind and try to associate them with the real life to provide the students a better and
easier understanding.
  1. The Knowledge Base of the Students
The topic of this unit is “body language”. For senior middle school students nowadays, they should have a good understanding towards it. Because they see lots of people everyday, they made friends with people of different characters. They tirelessly play various tricks with their parents and teachers and, in a word, they are good at reading people’s mind through their facial expressions, eyes, gestures and postures. And in this lesson, what they’ll do is to realize the importance of body language and give it a definition, thus it won’t be very hard for them.
However, in terms of the knowledge of the diversity of the meaning of the same body language under different cultural context, they are no experts. They haven’t got enough chance to experience that much, which makes this point the teacher’s emphasis.
  1. Analysis On the Non-Intellectual Factors Involved
The non-intellectual factor the teacher should pay attention to here is that students of 16 are paying more attention on their own images and they don’t like to show themselves as often as they were primary school students or junior middle school students unless they are sure they can do a great job according to the reports of adolescent psychology.
However, this lesson involves lots parts that need the students’ participation by using their body language like imitation, acting and making presentation with body language. Thus, it is crucial that the teacher can do class management very well and stimulate the students’ willing and passion in participation as soon as possible and an active atmosphere is just important.
Analysis On the Teaching Contents
The central topic of this unit is “body language”, upon which the whole unit develops. Body language is one important aspect of non-verbal communication; it can express one’s mind and mood silently. At the same time it is affected by cultural factors, and the same posture, gesture, facial expression of a person can be interpreted quite differently under different cultural context. These two points make the core purpose of learning this unit to remind the students that they pay enough attention on their own as well as others’ body language when they communicate with others in daily life to achieve their communicative goals, also they should try their best to reduce or avoid misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication by using their knowledge on the diversity of the meaning of the same body language under different culture context.
As the beginning part of the whole period, the warming up part should give the students an overall impression of the topic that they will discuss in detail later in their study, and here the teacher can firstly try to make the students know the importance of body language, the meaning of some body language that often seen and try to give a definition to body language. Also the teacher should give some examples of the diversity of the meaning of body language in different culture and make sure the students all grasp them by making them practice in created situations.
Along with the deepening open-up of our country, the students in the future will have more chances to have contacts with people from different culture, which makes the basic knowledge of cross-cultural communication very important, thus the teaching focus of the lesson is to make the students understand that body language has cultural diversity and there is no division of good or bad for the diversity. And the hard point in teaching is to make sure that the students will have the awareness to use and try to understand others’ body language when they communicate with others in the future.
教学重难点 Teaching Focus
Make the students understand that body language has cultural diversity and there is
no division of good or bad for the diversity.
Make sure that the students will have the awareness to use and try to understand others’ body language when they communicate with others in the future.
Let students read and find as much information about body language as possible in
the passages, make their Mind Map in a short time and make presentation in English.
  1. A projector
B.  computer for multimedia teaching
教学方法  Teaching methods
A.    Asking-and-answering between the teacher and the students
B..   Interaction among individuals and group-work
C.  Task-based teaching
D.  Teacher’s demonstration and interpretation
E.  Students’ discovery
F.  Presentation
  1. Watching a video of an English song If You Are Happy and answering questions
(3 min)
Let students watch a video and sing the song together and do the body language.
Ask them the question “How do you show your happiness?” to make them use their body language to show their feeling.Several students will be asked to express their happiness. The teacher will ask how she showed her happiness and how the people in the video show their happiness.
Possible Answers Are
 Smile, laugh, dance, sing, clap hands, stomp foot, shout 
B.Discuss what Body Language concludes and define Body Language and ( 2 min) )
In this step, the teacher will guide the students to give a general definition to body language.
What is body language ?
Body Language is a set of gestures, postures and facial expressions
which people use to make themselves understood.
  1. Showing a video and making them know the importance of Body Language  (2 min )
Some psychologists believe that we communicate 93% of our ideas and feelings without words! The shape of our bodies and faces, the movements and gestures we make, the clothes we wear, how near we stand to each other and whether we touch each other… all these communicate. we must study all these types of information if we want to truly understand what other people are saying. 
( Step 3 will use around 10 min )
  1. Showing the Students some facial expressions. (2m)

  1. Acting Out By Gestures (3m)
The teacher shows the students a series of numbers. Students choose their favorite number and act the action out using different gestures. 

C. Guessing game : what am I doing? (5m)
Students are divided into three groups. Every group has one chance to perform three actions.Other groups try to get the meanings of performances.Whichever group gets the meaning first will get one point for each and whichever group gets the highest mark will be the winner.
Go away.
It’s hot!
Be quiet!
Stomache ache.
No smoking!
Reading, dicussing,
and drawing.
The teacher will guide the students to read two passages and find the information about different body language in different countries.
  1. Passage A is about some univeral guestures in the world. The teacher asks the students to read the passage and find the information about each gesture and then draw their mind map in groups of six. After they finish their maps, the teacher invites 3 groups to present their maps and explain them to other students. (5m).
Passage A
Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language. People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud. It is possible to "read" others around us, even if they do not intend for us to catch their unspoken communication. Of course, body language can be misread, but many gestures and actions are universal.
       The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile – its function is to show happiness and put people at ease. It does not always mean that we are truly happy, however. Smiles around the world can be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. There are unhappy smiles, such as when someone "loses face" and smiles to hide it. However, the general purpose of smiling is to show good feelings.
       From the time we are babies, we show unhappiness or anger by frowning. In most places around the world, frowning and turning one's back to someone shows anger. Making a fist and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry and threatening another person.
       There are many ways around the world to show agreement, but nodding the head up and down is used for agreement, almost worldwide. Most people also understand that shaking the head from side to side means disagreement or refusal.
       How about showing that I am bored? Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. However, if I turn toward and look at someone or something, people from almost every culture will think that I am interested. If I roll my eyes and turn my head away, I most likely do not believe what I am hearing or do not like it.
       Being respectful to people is subjective, based on each culture, but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher. In almost every culture, it is not usually good to stand too close to someone of a higher rank. Standing at a little distance with open hands will show that I am willing to listen.
        With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language. We can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.

After the students finish reading passage A and make presentations, they are familiar with some universal body language in the world and know the similarities of it.
  1. The teacher guide the students to read passage B to find the differences of the same gesture in different countries and draw their mind maps. (4m)
Passage B
The "Thumbs-Up"
  While Western culture has become used to the thumbs-up as a good signal(probably coming from World War II pilots using the signal to show that they were "good to go" with ground crews), there are cultures where a thumbs-up may land you in trouble.In West Africa, as well as Greece, Italy and Middle East, the thumbs-up is pretty much the biggest insult(侮辱).
  Rather more interesting is a thumbs-up in Germany and in parts of Japan-they just see it as the hand signal for the number one.
The "A-OK"
  This sign is mainly used by divers(潜水员)to mean "OK"(to prevent being confused with the thumbs-up sign, which means "rise").Basically the meaning comes out as "great", or "completely fine".However, in a few countries in Europe, people may think you’re telling them that you think they’re a “'zero”.
The "V Sign"
  The sign comes in two formats(版本):one with the palm(手掌)faced outwards, and one with the palm inwards.In America they mean the same thing -"victory".However, if the outside of your hand is facing your target(目标), you're giving somebody an insult in Great Britain and many English-speaking countries such as Australia, Ireland and New Zealand.Winston Churchill famously used the "incorrect" version of the V sign during the early years of the war, turning the outside inside later.The V sign is also considered rude in Italy.
The "Corna"
The Corna gesture represents bull’s horns, and in some countries it can be an expression of good luck or love. The gesture has most recently been adopted by fans of rock and heavy metal music.Nowadays many Americans use the gesture simply to mean "rock on", or in support of the University of Texas in Austin.

After reading the passage, the students can know the cultural differences in body language. Then they can learn how to communicate with different people in different countries better and avoid making trouble.
  1. The teacher invites three groups to present their mind maps of passage A. (6 m)
One student of each group will make their presentation before the whole class.
  1. The teacher invites two groups to present their mind maps of passage B. (4 m)
One student of each group will make their presentation before the whole class.
  • Showing the Cultural Difference in Body Language With Examples ( 1 min )

  • Presenting the Students the Major Greeting Customs in the World ( 2 min )

Homework 1 min
Find more information about body language and especially pay attention to cultural differences in body language to avoid misunderstanding and make good communication.

化交际中它帮助人们传情达意,消除语言障碍,促进交流。21世纪, 随着国际经

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