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在线播放:湖北好课堂高中英语Unit5 Music--Using Language Listening,Speaking and Writing宜昌

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湖北好课堂高中英语Unit5 Music--Using Language Listening,Speaking and Writing宜昌



视频课题:湖北好课堂高中英语Unit5 Music--Using Language Listening,Speaking and Writing宜昌

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湖北好课堂高中英语Unit5 Music--Using LanguageListening,Speaking and Writing宜昌市第一中学陈少文

A Teaching Plan for Unit 5 Music Using language
Listening, Speaking and Writing
宜昌市第一中学   陈少文
ⅠTeaching Aims:
1. to arouse students’ great interest in music and bands by singing and speaking;
2. students can select words or phrases in this unit to create a song;
3. students can list basic information about the listening material;
4. students can apply the given functional structures asking for advice in writing.
ⅡAnalysis of the teaching material
This is the sixth teaching period of this unit. The emphasis of this period should be laid on using language—listening, speaking and writing. The teaching difficult point lies in how to get students fully involved in classroom activities. The listening tells the story of Freddy and his band. The exercises teach the students step by step to become more proficient listeners of English. Speaking is an opportunity for the students to be more creative. This exercise develops teamwork and co-operation. All of these lay the foundation for the next task—practical writing. In this way, students feel that they have information to put out.
ⅢAnalysis of the students
Students from Yiling Senior Middle School have good English proficiency. They have learned the first reading part before this period, understood the text content and relevant background knowledge, mastered the key vocabulary and grammar text. Therefore, we can strengthen the students’ listening, speaking, writing by training.
ⅣTeaching strategies
1. Task-based language approach
2. Cooperative learning   
ⅤTeaching aids
The multimedia and other normal teaching tools.
ⅥTeaching procedures

Steps Teaching content The teacher’s activity Students’ activity Purpose of design Time
Lead in by music Play the song: Trouble is a Friend and ask the questions: Do you love music? Where can we find music in our life? Let students enjoy the song and ask the question: Do you love music? Where can we find music in our life?
Enjoy the song and answer the questions to warm up.
Arouse students’ interest and lead in the topic. 5min
Classroom activities
Task 1 Vocabulary revision
Let’s create a song
Present a new song: Music is a Friend with blanks to fill in as well as a box containing words and phrases in unit 5. Discuss and choose words or phrases from the box to complete the song. To review and use important words and phrases in this unit. 5min
Task 2
Listening practice
2. Listen to the story of “Freddy the Frog”(twice)
1.Introduce Freddy the frog to prepare students for the listening practice.
2.Play the audio clip.
1. Listen to the material and fill in the blanks.
2. Listen again and do the True or False exercise.
The first time listening enables students to get the main idea, while the second examines the detailed understanding of the material. 5min
Task 3
Speaking and discussion: Form a band
1.Create a situation where students will form a band.
2.Ask some students to introduce their bands.
1.Work in groups and form a band together.
2.Intorduce their bands to the other classmates.
1.Develop students’ ability to co-operate with others and express themselves by using English.
2.Lay the foundation for writing.
Task 4 Writing
Write a letter to Freddy and ask him for advice.
1.Present a sample letter to students and explain the structure of a letter asking for advice to facilitate their writing.
2.Invite some students’ works to the class.
1.Understand the basic structure of the letter.
2.Write a letter to Freddy.
Practice students’ ability of practical writing.
Task 5 Conclusion
Sing the song: Trouble is a friend together
Play the song and encourage students to face up to problems and difficulties. Sing the song together.
End the lesson with the same song and encourage students to face up to problems and difficulties. 2min

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